Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Water Pollution Crisis Essay - 1237 Words
When Christopher Columbus came to the Americas back in 1492, it was a world of opportunities, and was accessible for all to utilize. As the years went on, the aquirement and utilization of the world was apparrent. Technology gave the world advancements that would usually seem impossible and unimaginable. However, it’s those advancements that have acted as the gateway for the problems that haunt mankind today. Perhaps the biggest problem that humans have caused as a direct result of our own hands is water pollution. Humans are always in constant struggle with nature. We are always trying to overcome it, and many times we succeed. However, its those times that we turn our backs for that split second, that we will pay an eternity for. The†¦show more content†¦It is estimated that each year three to four million tons of petroleum end up in the sea4. Some major petroleum accidents over the years to speak of are Torry Canyon(1967) and the Amoco Cadiz(1978)5. These kinds of accidents, however, only account for around 25 percent of the marine pollution by hydrocarbons. Estimations show that 60 percent of the pollution comes from land based sources6. The remaining 15 percent is due to offshore oil drilling stations7. For all of the good uses of oil and petroleum, there are just as many reasons why they are bad. It is just that those reasons do not propose a direst threat to us. When something does not propose a direct threat to us, we usually do not worry. Pollution by oil usually originates from reckless discharges by barges, careless handling of crude oil in transportation, development, and drilling sites8. Fish and other aquatic life are harshly hit by the devastating effects of oil. The most common effect of oil on a fish is that it interferes with its natural breathing mechanisms. Oil and emulsions may stick to the gills and thus interfere with gas exchange between the organism and the watery environment9. If the presence of oil is not that extreme in quantity, the fish can usually survive. Fish release a mucus like substance through their gills washing away the impurities. However, if the oil becomes too much, their chance of survival is minimal10. WaterShow MoreRelatedWater Shortage And Pollution Of Water Source Crisis3001 Words  | 13 Pagesfresh drinking water on Earth, and water shortage is becoming increasingly apparent. According to the national geographic, freshwater makes up a very small fraction of all water on th e earth. While nearly 70 percent of the world is covered by water, only 2.5 percent of it is freshwater. The rest is saline and ocean-based. Even then, just 1 percent of our freshwater is easily accessible, most of it trapped in glaciers and snowfields. Therefore, only 0.007 percent of the planet s water is availableRead MoreEssay about The Water Pollution Crisis1478 Words  | 6 Pagesthat humans have been mistreating for centuries is water. 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