Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Side Streets free essay sample
Feet clung firmly to the asphalt, my eyes are bolted straight ahead. My muscles strain to impel my legs forward. The remainder of my body stays still. No breathing in, no breathing out; structures rise and fall afterward. Hues and sounds whirl frantically around me, I proceed at a creeping pace. My life has been an absolute haze. My memory comprises of bits of my past, similar to a riddle missing the vast majority of its pieces. Everything has been centered around my objective, an unclear obscure called the â€Å"future.†Vehicles blast their horns, kids chuckle and play on the walkways. Unaware of my environmental factors, my eyes stay fixed on my goal, the skyline. Mechanically I stroll on, venturing closer to the convergence ahead. The split of thunder thunders in the sky and downpour starts pouring down over the scene. As my foot ventures into the road, a raindrop arrives over my eye and slides down my skin. We will compose a custom paper test on Side Streets or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Frightened, I withdraw and wake from my shock. Sixteen years I have been strolling. An indication of life: I take in and glance around. Off out yonder the skyline despite everything looms, except to my correct I see the side roads. The ways are uninhabited, yet encompassed with life rather than cement and steel. Interest surpasses my being as I stray from my street and adventure out into obscure, prepared to investigate the world, to grow my inclinations, to carry on with my life. While this scene is invented here and there, it is totally evident in others. All through the previous year I’ve put forth an attempt to slow time; to value my environmental factors; to investigate more than my forward way. Composing for the school paper this year has fit me unimaginably well and revived my affection for composing. As not just a helper in decoding my sentiments, composing is additionally a solid apparatus in passing on my thoughts and feelings. My abilities in arithmetic and the physical sciences have likewise affected me enormously. I need to make; I need to investigate. I need to be heard, I need to make individuals think, and I need to affect the world for a huge scope. Through my instructive undertakings I need my life to develop and change with times. I need to be the main individual through the entryway to tomorrow, driving the charge, not just after the generally accepted way to go. Today, as I remain at this junction, I intend to take the side lanes. I need my school understanding to permit me to investigate my reality and build up my inclinations more profound. With the College of Arts and Sciences at Cornell I can do precisely this. The examination abroad open doors are unending and will permit me to investigate the physical world further, while the various courses and branches of knowledge will assist me with delving further into the psychological domain. I despite everything don't have the foggiest idea where I am going, however I am eager to proceed to investigate, and I am persuaded Cornell is the spot to assist me with characterizing my mindset.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Dance Team :: Argumentative Persuasive Dance School Essays
Move Team The Twin Cedars Community School District Board of Directors ought to rule for subsidizing a school move group. Twin Cedars, a little nation based school of roughly 500 understudies K-12, has never had the advantage of having a move group. Two years back, three Twin Cedars understudies got along with their move teacher, Shannon Smith, an alumnist of Twin Cedars, and recommended that the school ought to have a move group. Smith chipped in her an opportunity to mentor and arrange for another move group. Smith took this plan to the head of Twin Cedars, Mike Helle. Helle consented to permit Smith to begin a move group that could rehearse at school, yet would not support the program as an extracurricular action. This implied if there was to be a move group, all assets would need to be raised by the move colleagues alone and Smith would need to chip in every last bit of her time and exertion without being paid. Notwithstanding these two focuses Smith consented to begin the move group. Tryouts were held, a group was framed, and the colleagues started movement for their first daily schedule. The new TC move group had their own pledge drives and went requesting gifts from nearby organizations, to help bolster the new group and help pay for move group outfits. The group figured out how to raise enough to purchase modest ensembles for the entirety of the individuals. The new move group had practice two days every week at 7:00 a.m. all year. They performed at a couple of football and b-ball games consistently. The following school year came around and the entire procedure was rehashed. During this year the move group even figured out how to assemble a Saturday night appear at the school, that included other encompassing school’s drill and move groups. In the two years of the team’s presence the school managers took into account the utilization of the structure for training, they permitted the group to perform at games, and they permitted the group to have appears. What's more, they reported the move group as the Twin Cedars move group and even included another spot in the Twin Cedars Yearbook to take into account photos of the move group. The school took all the benefits of having a school move group, yet took none of the duties a school has for an extracurricular action.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Inspirational Quotes
Inspirational Quotes “You see things; and you say, Why? But I dream things that never were; and I say, Why not?†George Bernard Shaw“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.†Oscar Wilde“Dont walk in front of me; I may not follow. Dont walk behind me; I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend.†Albert Camus “Anyone can give up, its the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, thats true strength.â€â€œStaying up all night is a waste of sleeping, and a waste of sleeping is a waste of dreaming, and dreaming is important because the more dreams you have, the better chance you have of one coming true.â€â€œHave the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity.â€â€œOnly those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.â€â€œDo not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail†Ralph Waldo Emerson“The value of an idea lies in the using of it.â€â€œThe soldier who fights to death never dies, but the soldier who fights for existence never truly exists.â€Do you know a good inspirational quote? Please add a comment!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Bond Between Women in Williams Shakespeares Literautre
Women have been often looked at as the one’s who use their words to fight and are quick to hold a grudge against other’s but this isn’t true if one looks at the friendship between women. Women hold their friendships close to their hearts and go through the best and worst of times together, it could also be the concept of how women need to stick together in order to survive. The bond between women is something that cannot be broken by any means and will last a lifetime, this is due to the heavy reliance on emotional connects that they share. Desdemona and Emilia in Othello, the Moor of Venice by William Shakespeare show this bond between women through Shakespeare’s use of foreshadowing. As Desdemona begins to realize her fate she tells her†¦show more content†¦Although some may think a friend is betraying them in a sense, they may actually helping them in the long run. In A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen, the characters Nora and Kristine under go such a situation and through foreshadowing Ibsen show’s this. After Nora does the unthinkable and forges a signature, her state of being is in danger due to Korgstad. Her whole reason behind it was to help her husband that she loved with all her heart, but when it all came down to the end she realised it was all for nothing. Torvald almost digs his grave when he tells her â€Å"That’s right, we’ll take it on together, Nora, as man and wife†(2.1584). He was setting up some kind of miracle for her that he would accept what she had done but when he didn’t she realised that she really didn’t even know him, let alone know herself. But what helped for Nora to truly get to this point of understand she needed to have a push from her friend Kristine, â€Å"This terrible secret has to come out. They have to have a complete understanding between them. it’s time for all this lying and pretending to stop†(3.1597). Kristine had realised just how unhappy Nora had become even if Nora herself didnt realise it, so she had to be the one to push Nora into figuring out for herself just how unhappy she really was. When Nora’s merical doesn’t come true and she finally gathers that the whole marriage was just her acting as Torvald’s doll and doing what he wanted of her, she finally saw that she
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Small Business in Nigeria - 2732 Words
Table of Contents Introduction------------------------------------------ 1 Constraint in small business : 1) Exchange rate-----------------------------------2 2) Access to loan -------------------------------2 - 3 3) Infrastructure --------------------------------3 - 4 4) Technology ----------------------------------4 - 5 5) Taxation -----------------------------------------6 6) Regulation --------------------------------------7 7) Policy---------------------------------------------8 Conclusion-------------------------------------------9 Recommendation----------------------------------9 Reference list-----------------------------------10 - 12 Introduction Nigeria is a country with 923,768 sq km ( 356,700 sq miles†¦show more content†¦Then, their business profit needs to be share to government and they only get 67.8 percent of profit. For example, if a business earns 10000 Nigerian naire then 3220 Nigerian naire need to give government for the tax. They only get 6780 nigerian naire and it will limit the expand of business as yearly profit frequently be the main resource of capital to grow the firm. So the high tax rate will make the entrepreneur have less money to increase the capital in business. (Mitchell, and Fellow 1993,6 ) ( Source : Paying Taxes in Nigeria, n.d ) 6 Regulation Nigeria has a high cost on register a legal licence for a standardized company and takes lot of times. It takes around 31 day around 1 month to start up a new business but in US it only takes 6 day. It need 89903 Nigerian naira plus 7.5 percent stamp duty paid on capital to get a new business licences but in US it only need 325 US dollar. Without operating the business, small business already had to use around 89903 Nigerian naira by getting the new licences. Sources : Starting a Business in the United States. n. d Sources : Starting a Business in Nigeria. n. d 7 Policies Abugu( 2007 ) has found that the government in Nigeria is lack of commitment at every level in order to develop small business sector. But there are certain of the policies or laws that only can carry out by government. In Nigeria, the government hasShow MoreRelatedSmall Business in Nigeria2742 Words  | 11 PagesTable of Contents Introduction------------------------------------------ 1 Constraint in small business : 1) Exchange rate-----------------------------------2 2) Access to loan -------------------------------2 - 3 3) Infrastructure --------------------------------3 - 4 4) Technology ----------------------------------4 - 5 5) Taxation -----------------------------------------6 6) Regulation --------------------------------------7 7) Policy---------------------------------------------8 Read MoreThe Role of Cost Accountants in Small Scale Manufacturing Industries in Nigeria1259 Words  | 6 PagesBACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The preponderance of vast number of small scale industries in Nigeria suggest that the situation offers substantial opportunity for the intensive development and improvement of this sector, with appropriate injections of technology, improved management, efficient marketing techniques and so forth (Echu, 2002). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Medusa Free Essays
How does the writer present power in medusa and another poem In medusa, Duffy uses the character of a female to show power. â€Å"Be terrfied†. This quote is a short sentence which emphasises her power and that when she looks at you, it doesnt take long till you are turned into stone. We will write a custom essay sample on Medusa or any similar topic only for you Order Now The sentence also creates a sinister tone in a way that she wants you t be afraid of her because she was once destroyed now she wants to destroy others as she has the power to do so. Duffy later on uses the verb â€Å"shattered†which links with the word â€Å"spattered†. This demonstartes the strength of her power to destroy, her power is so strong that anything that comes in her way either ends up â€Å"shattered†or â€Å"spattered†. The verbs also infer that with power comes jelousy because Medusa destroys everything that appears to be positive and beautiful. They might also suggest that the way she has destroyed inncocent life is a way to say that she is out of contro herself. The poem structured around her transformation, and the escalating scale of the living things she turns to â€Å"stone†. She starts with a â€Å"buzzing-bee†and her victims increase in size until she changes a â€Å"dragon†into a â€Å"volcano†. Finally she turns her attention to the man who broke her heart. In her last line Medusa says â€Å"look at me now†. this line, given great structural emphasis, is hugely ambiguous. It could be a heart-felt plea for attention as well as, of course, a heavily ironic threat and reminder of her capabilities. The paradox for Medusa is that she has become trapped by her own power. Duffy may be suggesting that the negative and destructive qualities of revenge will eventually undo their perpetrator. In the same way power is a major theme in Ozymandias, what was once so magnificent – a symbol of the king’s great power – is now â€Å"sunk†¦ shattered†¦ lifeless†. How to cite Medusa, Papers
Medusa Free Essays
How does the writer present power in medusa and another poem In medusa, Duffy uses the character of a female to show power. â€Å"Be terrfied†. This quote is a short sentence which emphasises her power and that when she looks at you, it doesnt take long till you are turned into stone. We will write a custom essay sample on Medusa or any similar topic only for you Order Now The sentence also creates a sinister tone in a way that she wants you t be afraid of her because she was once destroyed now she wants to destroy others as she has the power to do so. Duffy later on uses the verb â€Å"shattered†which links with the word â€Å"spattered†. This demonstartes the strength of her power to destroy, her power is so strong that anything that comes in her way either ends up â€Å"shattered†or â€Å"spattered†. The verbs also infer that with power comes jelousy because Medusa destroys everything that appears to be positive and beautiful. They might also suggest that the way she has destroyed inncocent life is a way to say that she is out of contro herself. The poem structured around her transformation, and the escalating scale of the living things she turns to â€Å"stone†. She starts with a â€Å"buzzing-bee†and her victims increase in size until she changes a â€Å"dragon†into a â€Å"volcano†. Finally she turns her attention to the man who broke her heart. In her last line Medusa says â€Å"look at me now†. this line, given great structural emphasis, is hugely ambiguous. It could be a heart-felt plea for attention as well as, of course, a heavily ironic threat and reminder of her capabilities. The paradox for Medusa is that she has become trapped by her own power. Duffy may be suggesting that the negative and destructive qualities of revenge will eventually undo their perpetrator. In the same way power is a major theme in Ozymandias, what was once so magnificent – a symbol of the king’s great power – is now â€Å"sunk†¦ shattered†¦ lifeless†. How to cite Medusa, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Mutually Exclusive Events and Independent Events- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theMutually Exclusive Events and Independent Events. Answer: The statement that if two events are mutually exclusive, can be thought of as independent events, is false and I do not agree with it. This is because mutually exclusive events is a different concept from that of independent events. Events are mutually exclusive if one of the events precludes the occurrence of the other event. While in independent events the occurrence of one of the events does not affect, in anyway, the occurrence or none occurrence of the other event (Black, 2009, p. 98). This faults the notion that mutually exclusive events can be thought of as independent events. For example, mutually exclusive events can be represented as: P (A and B) = 0 While on the other hand, independent events can be represented as: P (A) P (B) = P (A and B) This shows that they are very different concepts, even in their mathematical representation. A good example, is the tossing of a coin. In this case, the expected results can either be a head or a tailthey are mutually exclusive; but not independent. This is depicted by the formula below: P (H and T) = 0 and P (H) P (T) = = 0 When two events are said to be mutually exclusive, it means that they do not occur at the same time. This means that when one occurs in a mutually exclusive situation, it excludes the chances of the other event occurring. For example, when we toss a fair coin, we can only get a head or a tailnot both. Therefore, in mutually exclusive events, only one occurrence is expected at any instance; both events cannot occur at the same time. A good example of mutually exclusive events in business is the act of a deciding to purchase something or not to purchase it. The two actions of purchasing or not purchasing are mutually exclusive events. On the other hand, independent events do not affect the occurrence of either of them. This means that, when one event occurs, it does not affect the occurrence of the other eventsneither of the events influences one another (Mukhopadhyay, 2000, p. 10). Therefore, the probability that one of the events occurs does not in any way affect the probability of the other event occurring. For example, in a business organization, the occurrence of 25 years old male employees does not affect in any way the occurrence of 25 years old female employees. References Black, K. (2009). Business Statistics: Contemporary Decision Making. John Wiley Sons. Mukhopadhyay, N. (2000). Probability and Statistical Inference. CRC Press.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
JP Hayes Essays (623 words) - Film, Cinema Of The United States
JP Hayes Mr. Bevington English 11 F 9 November 2017 Hester Prynne In the Novel The Scarlet Letter written by Nathaniel Hawthorne a younger woman named Hester Prynne is sent to live in Massachusetts while her husband Roger Chillingworth works in England but plans to meet her in a few years. The story takes place in 1642 during the time of the Puritans in America who were a very strict religious group. Hester's husband Roger does not make it to the new world in time as he said and so Hester presumes he his dead. Soon after Hester has a baby with Reverend Dimmesdale who is known as the holiest person in the puritan town. Hester is publicly shammed, thrown in jail, and forced to wear an "A" on her chest for her sin but she will not release the name of the father with good intentions. Throughout the story Hester is able to change herself plus the town's view of her for the better and she creates a new meaning for her punishment. In the beginning of the story when Hester is walking out of prison with Pearl all the people in the town turn to look and judge her. Normally negative attention would cause a person embarrassment or sadness but it is seen right away by the way Hester responds to everyone that she is neither. "In a moment, however, wisely judging that one token of her shame would but poorly serve to hide another, she took the baby on her arm, and, with a burning blush, and yet a haughty smile, and a glance that would not be abashed, looked around at her townspeople and neighbors"(Hawthorne 80). The reader can tell from the authors use of haughty that Pearl did not feel like she was being looked down upon when she came out of the prison. Hester was already living without her husband but now she is put to the real test by taking care of a baby and dealing with the criticism from the towns people. For awhile when Hester and Pearl walk through the town everyone gives them mean looks and makes sure they kn ow that they are outcasts. As time passes Hester chooses to help the poor although she is not very wealthy herself. Hester's talent of being a seamstress has supported her and Pearl and even gained her some respect in the town. Hester charitable work with the poor has gained her a lot of respect in the town, "Do you see that woman with the embroidered badge? they would say to strangers. It is our Hester, the town's own Hester, who is so kind to the poor, so helpful to the sick, so comfortable to the afflicted"(Hawthorne 140). It is clear that Hester has changed the entire meaning of the Scarlet Letter and it is now viewed as a positive feature on her. Instead of standing for adultery the "A" now stands for able because Hester is able to do so many good deeds. In the beginning the town believed Hester's punishment would destroy her life and possibly cause her to run away due to the judgement from the town's people. Instead Hester made the punishment seem like the best thing that ever happen to her. The scarlet letter allowed Hester to changes how she views people and herself. She became a stronger and more independent woman who showed she can support a kid on her own while also taking so much hate. Most importantly Hester was able to change how the entire town looks at her from bad to good. Now when she walks through the town people don't despise her but instead they look up to her like an idol.
Friday, March 6, 2020
buy custom Voice and Data Network essay
buy custom Voice and Data Network essay Voice and data network is a relatively new technology that makes it possible for telephone calls to be made via computer networks especially the internet. The technology allows the conversion of analogue voice signals into packets of digital data and also the technology supports real-time two way communication by use of Internet Protocol (IP). This paper looks at the advantages and disadvantages of a combined voice and data network with a case scenario of voice-data installation. Advantages and Disadvantages of a Combined Voice and Data Network Advantages With the ability of the technology to transmit data, video and voice over a wide geographical area, it has become both possible and cheaper to set up teleconferences with clients and offices in any part of the world within the shortest time possible. Business organization can therefore significantly save the costs previously incurred on long distance telecommunication and also travelling costs (Bates Gregory, 2007). With the refinement of the technology, the service providing firms have been able to offer varying packages suitable for each size of business organizations and other entities. Voce clarity as a result of the combined voice and data network has been identified as a major advantage as a result of advancement of this technology. Voice clarity and sharpness is much more advanced than any other technology in the market. The technology has been attributed to the ability to deliver voice clarity and sharpness at 8000 HZ a second which is far much higher than the average 4000 HZ per second (Ellis, 2003). With the internationalization of businesses, company employees can access the companys data from anywhere in the world aiding in business operations. Also internationalized businesses have been able to support customers faster and effectively support globalization efforts of the business Disadvantages The technology currently being used for the combined voice and data network is still new in its application and any complications and accidents may not adequately be tackled effectively and efficiently. That has had the potential of crippling or at least grounding the operations of a whole business entity. Therefore, the security and reliability of data is prone to risks that also affects computers and telephone services including virusess, hackers and worms. The installation costs for the combined voice and data network in a business is very high, often not even recoupable in the short run (Ellis, 2003). Therefore, business organizations have to invest huge sums of money in the technology in their offices. Case Study Yes, I did take part in an installation of a voice and data network in a business premises. We as a team had to replace a patchwork of a couple of phone systems at a business headquarters to facilitate the coordination of the agencys projects. In the installation, the company deployed 200 Cisco IP telephones coupled with additional hardware, software and services ultimately costing US$ 430,000. About four days down the line, the company had cut down the monthly phone expenses by half. But even with the increased savings, the company is still a long way in fetching the full returns on that technological voice and data network investment. In conclusion, the above realized advantages and disadvantages of the network will in future define the way business organizations in the private and public sectors work in the future and especially the way they will communicate. Buy custom Voice and Data Network essay
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
TB Skin Testing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
TB Skin Testing - Essay Example Potential high risk employees include emergency department personnel, respiratory therapists, microbiology laboratory workers, and pathologists, specialists in pulmonary medicine and nurses in some settings (McGowan, 1983; CDCP 1995). It is imperative to control TB and for this every health-care setting should have a TB infection-control plan. It is crucial because it depends on whether patients with assumed or established TB disease might come across in the setting or whether patients with suspected or confirmed TB disease will be transferred to another health-care setting. The TB infection-control program must encompass administrative controls, environmental controls, and a respiratory-protection program. These are the important control parameters as every location in which services are offered to individuals who have suspected or confirmed infectious TB disease, counting the hospital settings, should have a TB infection-control plan. The following methods must be adopted for TB infection-control program in HCWs settings: 1. ... These are the important control parameters as every location in which services are offered to individuals who have suspected or confirmed infectious TB disease, counting the hospital settings, should have a TB infection-control plan. The following methods must be adopted for TB infection-control program in HCWs settings: 1. Supervisory responsibility is essential for the TB infection-control program and this should be given to the authorized person deputed for the same. The supervisor must be supported to carry out the risk assessment for tuberculosis. HCWs must be educated to take the required training and ensure their actions in the direction of disease control. 2. Proper training is required to perform and enforce the TB infection-control program. 3. Atleast one person be designated to whom the problems must be addressed. 4. A protocol must be developed to get a TB infection-control plan and must be updated annually. 5. The problem must be evaluated and prompt recognition be made. 6. A contact investigation must be made in co-ordination with the local or state health department. 7. Implement and maintain environmental controls, including airborne infection isolation (AII) room(s) (see Supplement, "Environmental Controls" in the original guideline document). 8. Respiratory-protection program must be applied. 9. Constant training programme must be done to keep the HCWs updated and well-informed. (NGC Recommendations) Significance: It is very imperative to understand the implications of TB and therefore considering the repercussions of the infection, PPD skin test is arranged on a routine basis. It is the prime responsibility to the HCWs to keep a check of their records when to undergo PPD skin test. The best method to remember this is through the
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Eczema Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Eczema - Essay Example Atopic eczema mostly begins at the stages of infancy and childhood. Among the children affected, about 65% developed the symptoms of Atopic eczema within their first year of life and 85% were affected with it before they were 5 years old (Atopic Dermatitis, 2011). Though Atopic eczema is found to be severe in infants and children, about 60 - 70% of the affected children are naturally cured of Atopic eczema by their early teens. Those children who inherited this atopic condition may suffer from its symptoms at any time, even in their teens, if triggered by environmental factors. Moreover, the atopic eczema patients are at an increased risk for asthma and allergic rhinitis. (Mandelin 2010).       Nurses play a major role in the management of atopic eczema. Since there is no cure for eczema, patients and their caregivers can become despondent over time (NICE 2007). However, if a good skin care routine can be maintained, the majority of eczema patients can cope wit h the condition without too much trouble (Ward 2008). Educating the patient about eczema is essential but this must be accompanied by demonstrating how to apply treatments, listening to what patients and parents/ caregivers have to say and working together to devise a skin care routine that fits in with their lifestyle in a holistic manner (Ward 2008). Therefore â€Å"both the theoretical and clinical experience of a nurse is vital to assist both family and child in the condition†(Anderson & Miller, 2006).       The primary aim in the treatment of atopic eczema is to heal the skin and to prevent the flare ups. For the treatment of the skin, the parents have to follow an assisted skin care routine, to prevent the worsening of the condition. However, the amount of help and guidance a parent will receive for the treatment of atopic eczema from their GP or nurse can often vary (Ward 2008). It is, therefore, of great importance that children’s nurses are aware and up to date with evidence based practice (Lawston 2008).        Nurses, since frequently make informed care decisions based on evidence based practice and research (Thompson 2002), they can assist and guide the family of atopic eczema patients and plan and devise an appropriate treatment. Today, nurses are accountable for their own practice and are answerable for their own acts or omissions, regardless of any direct instructions received and are expected to take responsibility for delivering care supported by best practice, a sound evidence base and validated research (NMC 2004).      The changes evolved in the field of Nursing is evident from the new roles of Nurses, such as a nurse practitioner running nurse led dermatology clinics, clinical nurse specialist at the forefront of a medical practicing field, etc. In the modern health care industry, Nurses need to be up-to-date with evidence based practice and it is th e responsibility of the nurse to maintain and implement research into practice (Polit & Beck, 2010). Newell & Burnard (2011) reiterated this stating that one’s practice should always be evidence based and as being a health care professional, it is one’s ethical responsibility.       This paper focuses on the research studies conducted to find out the efficiency of prevailing treatments for
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Importance Of Search Engine Marketing Marketing Essay
Importance Of Search Engine Marketing Marketing Essay The Internet has induced a significant change in the way the public make and acquire information, which leads to shift their pattern in terms of search and purchase (Ghose Yang 2009). Search engines give consumers means to connect with related information which is available in the Internet environment (Rangaswamy et al. 2009). From the perspective of firms, Search Engine Marketing (SEM) enables them to put advertising on search engines to target consumers (Boughton 2005). In the tourism industry, many companies may have difficulty being visible on search engine return pages (SERPs) due to massive results about a particular keyword which consumers are searching for. In this paper, it will be dealt with two options of SEM which a small tourism business marketer can consider to expand their business: Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay Per Click (also called as Paid Placement). Furthermore, advantages and disadvantages of two options will be analyses in terms of several aspects, and a single method will be chosen by reflecting upon the purpose of a small tourism company. Furthermore, some recommendation that the selected option can have in order to overcome its limitation will be mentioned. Importance of Search Engine Marketing (SEM) SEMPO (Search Engine Marketing Professional Organisational) (2009) declared at the Search Engine Strategies Conference that expenditure on SEM will continuously increase in 2009 in spite of repercussion of the global financial crisis, and also expected that total spending on SEM will reach $26.1 billion in 2013. The reason for large investment of companies on SEM is that as contrasted with the slow increment in the number of viewership of TV, approximately 10-20% growth in online search volume is achieved every year (Hoffman Novak 2000). Hotchkiss et al. (2004) announce that the searching population relies extremely on search engine for online searches, which reminds online dealers of the importance of developing marketing strategies that enhances their firms visibility in the search results presented to potential customers. Furthermore, Weideman and Chambers (2005) reported that it is significant for marketers to have their websites placed on the first SERPs, or not less than on the first three pages of search results. According to iProspect (2006), 62% of search engine users click on results within first SERPs, and 90% of online searcher incline to click on results within the first three pages of SERPs. Accordingly, it is obviously seen that effective SEM development is a greatly important issue for all companies to place their website link on at least the first three result pages in order to expose itself to their prospect customers in the Internet environment. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Pay Per Click Broadly, SEM is defined as a form of Internet marketing whereby firms and organizations attempt to obtain high visibility on SERPs via paid or non-paid methods (Moran Hunt 2005). There are two major forms of SEM: (1) Search engine optimisation (SEO), and (2) Paid search marketing or Pay Per Click (Chaffey et al. 2009). SEO is used to reach the highest ranking in terms of a company or its product in the natural or organic listings regarding a particular combination of keywords which searchers type (Chaffey et al. 2009). The performance of SEO can be improved by reforming firms websites codes such as the title tag, meta-tags, heading tags and so forth (Chaffey et al. 2009). Pay Per Click means that firms pay search engine such as Google and Yahoo to be placed in the sponsored section (in case of Google, called sponsored link) of search result pages about keywords consumers enter (Hansell 2001). According to SEMPO (2007), approximately 87% of the amount spent on Pay Per Click and SEO captured only about 11% in 2007. The reason of this distinctive investment between two options is that Pay Per Click is regarded as the best method of enhancing visibility in the search result page (Sen 2005). The reason why companies focus on improving their visibility on SERPs is that high visibility will lead to more access to a firms website, which could result in more profits for the firm (Sen 2005). However, the expenditure of firms on SEO is predicted to increase as implementing SEO is generally cheaper than Pay Per Click (Hallerman 2008). Furthermore, iProspect study represented (2004) that Google users clicked on an organic listing (72.3%) over two times more than on a sponsored link (27.7%). In this regard, investing on only implementing Pay Per Click seems somewhat not a efficient strategy. In order to maximise the performance of SEM which firms implement, it will be best to use both of types. However, most marketers may have a limited budget to spend on SEM implementing. Accordingly, they have to choose the best option in consideration of their firms current position, reputation, and financial status. The value of search to tourism business Search engines have become a vital tool for online travel planners. They frequently initiate making their trip plan by utilizing search engines to search for and select useful information (Pan Fesenmaier 2006). If travel information seekers hold a friendly website in their bookmark or have decided a particular website to visit, they might go sprightly to the website. However, if online travel planners do not have sufficient information for travel websites, they generally select a search engine, type keywords, and perform the search. Afterwards, they are exposed to the results of their keywords entered (Hwang et al. 2006). Furthermore, Travel Industry Association reports (2005) that the first place which consumers visit to make a travel plan is increasingly search engine websites. As a tremendous online travel planners use search engine to find travel websites, tourism companies have to recognise the importance of effective SEM development. This is because visibility of a website on the Internet is related with the number of visitors. For example, travel companies make every effort to ensure that tourism-related information become visible so that potential visitors can access it (Werthner Klein 1999). Moreover, Kim and Fesenmaier (2008) announce that consumers first impression on, as well as consequently the general estimation of, a destination marketing organizations website can influenced considerably by the use of search engine. Accordingly, it is more likely that search engines affects positive attitudes toward tourism business. Therefore, tourism marketers have to consider the way in which their websites are searched by search engines more easily and more frequently to maximize its advantaged involved. Challenges of Search Engine in tourism business Although search engine has positive effects on tourism business, they have faced challenges. Research has shown that numerous tourism firms websites are increasingly invisible to prospective searchers (Xiang Pan 2009). According to Wober (2006), many tourism businesses were pushed back on the search results for travel related keywords consumers entered. This will lead consumers to spend considerable amount of time on relevant information finding they intend. Besides, this also makes consumers to have difficulty accessing directly a particular tourism business via search engine (Xiang Pan 2009). It might be easily presumed that it is more difficult for small and medium-size tourism firms to be visible on the screen of users than big firms due to their low reputation. Xiang et al. found (2008) that search results in Google are dominated by a small number of big tourism enterprises, which results in the visibility decrease of innumerable small and medium-sized tourism enterprises. Accordingly, tourism marketers, especially those who are engaged in small and medium-sized tourism enterprises, have to make effective SEM strategies to make their websites to become more visible than their competitors. Assumption of a small tourism company In this paper, it will be assumed that a small tourism company launched its business six months ago. It has low brand value, and most consumers do not know its existence in the tourism industry. Furthermore, it has tight budgets, thereby having a trouble in hiring salespeople. Analysis of strength and weakness of SEO and Pay Per Click In this part, two kinds of options regarding SEM, SEO and Pay Per Click will be addressed as an option. In 2007, SEMPO (2007) conducted a survey of purpose of SEM use to advertisers. According to respondents, three main purposes of using SEM is (1) to sell products, services or content directly online (approximately 58%), (2) to raise brand awareness of their products or services (about 63%), and (3) to drive traffic to their websites (nearly 43%). From the results of this survey, several criteria in terms of a choice between SEO and Pay can be selected. Furthermore, SEMPO (2007) conducted another survey for same interviewees, which could be a somewhat persuasive evidence to select criteria. It questioned them about metrics considered to measure the success of SEM. About 76% of marketers paid attention to both increased traffic volume and conversion rate. In addition, approximately 70% of marketers tracked click-thru rate and 67% of them measured return on investment as a metric for success of SME. Marketers need to consider online searchers preference and relevance of results about query. From the response to the survey, four criteria in terms of a choice between SEO and Pay Per Click can be led; (1) conversion rate, (2) click rate and visibility, (3) ROI (Return on Investment), (4) preference and traffic (5) relevance. Conversion rate Conversion rate means the percentage of clicks on Pay Per Click or SEO link that generate a sale for firms websites (Neethling 2007). If conversion rate is 20%, two out of ten clicks do not create any profit for those websites. Ghose and Yang (2008) found that the conversion rate of Pay Per Click is approximately two times more than that of SEO, respectively 5.4% and 2.76%. In this regard, if a firm implement Pay Per Click, it can make a profit twice more than SEO. Click rate and visibility As mentioned in 3. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Pay Per Click, SEO has higher click rate than Pay Per Click while SEOs visibility is lower than Pay Per Click. ROI (Return on Investment) ROI will be an important measure for accountants of all companies because it indicates the effectiveness of an investment. iProspect (2005) conducted a survey with 636 qualified search marketers and 224 qualified search agencies in terms of ROI of SEO and Pay Per Click. In this survey, respondents revealed that SEO (35%) generates approximately three times higher than paid search (11%). The more interesting figure is that even more search marketers (42%) who utilise both SEO and paid search felt that SEO produces a higher ROI than Pay Per Click. Preference Several research present that many online search users have a preference for results from SEO over Pay Per Click. According to a survey conducted by Hotchkiss et al. with 425 respondents, who extremely selected links providing trusted and unbiased information source information (2004), over 77% of participants selected organic links rather than the sponsored link. Furthermore, Hotchkiss (2004) found that even 20% of users who have inefficient experience in online search have confusion about the definition of sponsored link on the search result page. In addition, this research also represented that if sponsored listings were located on the right side of the result page on screen, then many online searchers did not pay attention to or did not perceive the sponsored listings partially. Moreover, in a survey conducted by Jansen and Resnick (2006), 56 participants revealed a bias against sponsored link. In this test, 82% of participants viewed the organic listings first as contrasted with 6% for sponsored link. Additionally, over 73% of the searchers viewed sponsored links just once during the six search times. Accordingly, it can be also anticipated that SEO can acquire more traffic than PPC. Relevance Online searchers found that organic search results are more relevant than sponsored link results in terms of their keywords. According to iProspect (2004), across the four main search engines, Google, Yahoo, Msn, and AOL, 60.5% of respondents found that organic results were more relevant about same query. In particular, about 72% of Google users felt that organic results were more suitable for their keywords. Option choice Although both SEO and Pay Per Click have its distinctive advantages, it will be insisted that SEO is a better option for a small tourism company. In consideration of selecting SEO, sever criteria such as Return on Investment, preference, click rate, traffic rate, and result relevance are considered. First of all, Return on Investment is the most important criterion to select for a small tourism business since it has inefficient budget to implement. Although conversion rate of Pay Per Click is higher than SEO, the firm needs to make a profit as much as possible with limited budget. On the basis of ROI from Table 1, if it utilises SEO rather than Pay Per click for its SEM, it can obtain more effective financial outcome. Next, the preference of search engine users is also critical criterion. Although visibility of Pay Per Click is higher than SEO, if searchers ignore sponsored link, it does not give any effect on a small tourism company. This preference of SEO can lead to higher click rate and traffic rate, which will assist the firm to increase its brand awareness and reputation. For a small tourism business, enhancing brand awareness will be also extremely important as much as earning profits for its long-term outcome. Lastly, a small tourism company needs to always appear on SERPs for query in terms of its company. Since the firm launched recently, if online users search for its company, it is highly likelihood that massive results could show up including totally different results. Accordingly, in order for the users to find its company easily, SEO is a better method than Pay Per Click. Recommendation Though it is insisted that SEO is a better method for a small business tourism company, obviously, its low visibility is a challenge. Furthermore, the performance of SEO depends on search engine algorithm. Accordingly, the position of search result about a small business company could be different, and even it could not appear on SERPs. In order for the firm to be more exposed on SERPs, it needs to use social networking service (SNS) such as Facebook and Twitter. The firm can add its link to SNS, which will lead to higher position on SERPs. This is because external link from other sites has an impact on ranking. Furthermore, it will also increase the firms brand awareness. Conclusion It will be expected that much more companies utilise search engine marketing since consumers increasingly depends on the Internet to search for product or service information. Although there are several sorts of search engine marketing methods, firms with small budgets may have difficult to employ all methods. Accordingly, they need to analyse the advantages and disadvantages of its method, and also consider their financial condition and purpose. Though search engine optimisation and Pay Per Click will have an positive impact on most firms, it will be suggested that a small tourism company utilizes search engine optimisation due to its higher Return on Investment, preference, click rate, traffic rate, and result relevance. However, search engine optimisation also has challenge. Accordingly, firms need to use social networking service to maximize the effect of search engine optimisation. Furthermore, they have to make high quality contents within their website in order to attract onli ne searchers.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Michael Cunningham Essay
Michael was the most ambitious of blokes. He stole the Wright Brothers’ ‘plane. He then flew all the way to Pluto, on one tank of fuel, to find one of his best mates eating the small planet. So he carried on to the end of the Milky Way and on to the next, Chocolate Log. The returned twenty years later saying that he had discovered another species of complex organisms and â€Å"humans†in the next galaxy. Michael Cunningham was born on the 14th of October in 1987 in the city of Birmingham. At the age of three he acquired a younger brother named Dean. In 1991 Michael started attending Harborne Primary School, then at the age of eleven he left Harborne Primary to start in Shenley Court Specialist Arts College and Sixth Form Centre. At the end of year eleven, aged sixteen, he left his secondary school with 10A* GCSE grades, and started training in the ATC in 2005. After two years he completed his training and startye4d full time work as an electrician for the Royal Air Force. Towards the end of October 2007, he was transferred to Duxford airbase to work as the Chief Electrician. At this time he was nineteen and Britain’s youngest Chief Electrician. Then towards the end of 2009 he received a letter telling him that Kelly, once the love of his life, had been killed in a car crash. After attending her funeral Michael stole the world famous Wright brothers’ ‘plane and that was the last the world saw of him for twenty years. Michael reappeared in 2029, aged 41, with claims that he had seen one of his best mates, David Smith, eating Pluto during 2019. Then during a press conference he also claimed that he had found another three planets on his â€Å"adventure†that were inhabited with beings more intelligent than us. â€Å"There is more life in this universe, more than you could ever imagine. †He later went on to say, â€Å"It is unbelievable how intelligent they are, and I mean when compared to them we know nothing. †Scientists later confirmed that Pluto had disappeared and we received a few visits from the intelligent beings Michael had found. Michael, at the age of forty-six, started studying some of the species he had discovered, he discovered that they were approximately five million years more advanced than us. Also that they were born with intelligence and ability to communicate, walk and work. At the age of seventy-three he retired to a semi-detached bungalow in Skegness after his wife, Jenny, had passed away. About six months after moving a killer ninja penguin attacked him. Another of his mates, Tom Bates, saved him moments before he was eaten. Approximately five minutes later Michael suffered a heart attack; after an examination it was determined that the heart attack was caused by the shock of the attack by the penguin. Looking at his personal life he had had a few girlfriends throughout his secondary school life, although only a couple had been serious, and from when he had joined the ATC until he had returned from his â€Å"adventure†he hadn’t had much of a social life. Then at the age of forty-three he started dating an old school friend, Kate, but this didn’t last for more six months. Then he became engaged to Jenny Wattrus in July of 2035 and married in November that year. They had seven children, five girls and two boys, and moved to London where they bought a large house and lived there until their children had moved out, at which point the two of them moved down to Devon and into a smaller house so that they didn’t feel so lonely. Show preview only
Friday, January 10, 2020
Heavy school bags Essay
Students have been yelling their complaint on heavy school bags for years. Yet, not many constructive responses have been made by society so far. According to a recent news report, the average weight of an S.3 student’s school bag is now 5 kg, while the burden of a primary six student is no less light if calculated in the school bag weight-to-body weight ratio. Heavy school bags create unbearable pressure to the spines of growing teens. Instead of telling students not to bring unnecessary items to school, I believe that there are far more measures schools and textbook publishers can take to alleviate the worrying situation. Textbooks constitute a major proportion of weight in a school bag. There have been voices from parents that textbook publishers are the ones to blame. In average, the number of pages in a secondary school textbook is 200. Despite the fact that students have to bring 200 pages to school (for one subject only), generally teachers only go over about 20 pages p er month. By easy calculation one can conclude that bringing such a think textbook is both pitiful and absurd. Actually, there is one practical and beneficial solution. Textbook publishers should separate the textbooks into different booklets, each covering a discrete topic. Since teachers usually lecture in a topic-based approach, students will only need to bring a thin booklet to school under the new arrangement. Not only do students benefit from a lighter load, but the publishers will gain as well. The use of loose-leaf binding in textbooks will need more pieces of paper in total, because cash booklet will have its own cover and functional pages such as content and index pages. The extra cost should not be significant as it will be averaged out by mass production, but the publishers can lift the price a bit as long as customers are willing to buy a textbook using a better binding method. The publishers will have nothing to lose but profit to gain, so why should they delay the ‘textbook reform’? Apart from textbook publishers, schools should be more lenient towards students. They should not punish students for leaving bulky textbooks inside their drawers. Although schools are concerned about pupils not studying if they leave textbooks at school, there can be other methods than banning it to solve the problems. For instance, teachers can distribute concise notes for students to study. Also, schools can extend the opening hours so that students can finish their revision at school and need not take a huge pile of heavy textbooks home. Sometimes the school may require students to bring non-textbook items, like painting sets, readers and so on, to school. I recommend that schools should provide each student with a locker whenever possible. If the space of the school is too limited to place lockers, installing a drawer with lock to each student desk is also a favorable alternative. In this way, the weight of school bags can be further lessened. Last but not least, students should bear some responsibility for their huge daily burden. I heard that some students are far too lazy to tidy up their school bags every day. They put everything, no matter necessary or not, into their school bags but they never take anything out. As a result, the weight of the bag continuously increases. Primary kids should not be blamed for this since they might not know what to put in a school bag and need assistance from their parents. However, as secondary students, teenagers should be able to manage their school bags well. There is no excuse for them not to organize the items they have to bring to school. They will certainly find their school bags much lighter if they organize them wisely. As stated above, the problem of overweight school bags can be easily dealt with if textbook publishers, teachers and students are willing to take a step forward. A small step of progress might already result in a large reduction in school bag weights. I hope that next year I will hear from the news that the school bags have become fitter than before .
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Water Pollution Crisis Essay - 1237 Words
When Christopher Columbus came to the Americas back in 1492, it was a world of opportunities, and was accessible for all to utilize. As the years went on, the aquirement and utilization of the world was apparrent. Technology gave the world advancements that would usually seem impossible and unimaginable. However, it’s those advancements that have acted as the gateway for the problems that haunt mankind today. Perhaps the biggest problem that humans have caused as a direct result of our own hands is water pollution. Humans are always in constant struggle with nature. We are always trying to overcome it, and many times we succeed. However, its those times that we turn our backs for that split second, that we will pay an eternity for. The†¦show more content†¦It is estimated that each year three to four million tons of petroleum end up in the sea4. Some major petroleum accidents over the years to speak of are Torry Canyon(1967) and the Amoco Cadiz(1978)5. These kinds of accidents, however, only account for around 25 percent of the marine pollution by hydrocarbons. Estimations show that 60 percent of the pollution comes from land based sources6. The remaining 15 percent is due to offshore oil drilling stations7. For all of the good uses of oil and petroleum, there are just as many reasons why they are bad. It is just that those reasons do not propose a direst threat to us. When something does not propose a direct threat to us, we usually do not worry. Pollution by oil usually originates from reckless discharges by barges, careless handling of crude oil in transportation, development, and drilling sites8. Fish and other aquatic life are harshly hit by the devastating effects of oil. The most common effect of oil on a fish is that it interferes with its natural breathing mechanisms. Oil and emulsions may stick to the gills and thus interfere with gas exchange between the organism and the watery environment9. 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