Thursday, October 31, 2019
Partnership Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Partnership Law - Essay Example Partners' liabilities are differently prescribed in that liability caused by any error of one partner need not affect the other partners. State registration is required but some of the states stipulate that partners should take liability insurance or has adequate assets to meet likely claims. This is very much applicable to firms of professionals like accountants, lawyers, architects. Not all the states recognize them. A partner's interest in an LLP can be assigned to third parties in which the assignee gets only the financial benefit and he can not take part in the management nor can he become a partner. There can be more than two partners. An LLP will stand dissolved on the death of a partner and on filing dissolution deed with the Sate authority. A clear advantage of an LLP is that it need not conduct annual meetings and maintain minutes of meetings though it has the features of a limited company. Profit is not taxable at the hands of the firm but that of the individual partners. One disadvantage is that a partner of an LLP can bind his share without the other partners. ... An LLP name with the above letters can not be registered unless it ends with them. It is an offence to use an LLP's name if the Secretary of State so considers and if the name already exists for an LLP or a registered company. The summary of the act states that main feature of the act is that it offers organisational flexibility and limited liability of the partners.2 The overview of the Act says that an LLP has an unlimited capacity and can act as a separate legal entity as any natural person would. It can contract and own properties and can continue to exist if there is any change in the membership. It implies that any third party can transact with the LLP as an entity unlike in case of traditional partnership where in third party is presumed to deal with the partners jointly and severally. If a partner of LLP is negligent only the firm can be proceeded with and not the individual partner by virtue of limited liability. But in a recent case law 3states that liability by an individu al negligent partner causing economic loss to the clients depends the fact of any specific assumption personal responsibility of the partner concerned and whether the client also relied on the responsibility of the individual partner. Section 4 (1) Companies Act 2006 defines a private limited company as any company which is not a public limited company. Hence in order to understand that, what a public limited company means must be seen. As per section 4(2) of the act, a public limited company whose liability is limited to the extent of its share capital or to the extent of any guarantee where there is no share capital and its certificate of incorporation must state that it is public limited.4 As per section 9 of Partnership Act 1890, partners'
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Economic Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Economic Development - Essay Example He challenges traditional economic theories to justify a more aggressive, humane and generous funding formula to benefit the worlds poorest nations. As rightly quoted in his book Development as Freedom; Freedom is both constitutive of development and instrumental to it. Instrumental freedoms include political freedom, economic facilities, social opportunities, transparency, and security, which are all different but inter-connected. Economic needs are considered by some to be more important than political freedoms, but the opposition is, Sen argues, mostly illusory. He also reminds us that democracy, as well as being an end in itself, plays an instrumental role in giving people a voice and a constructive role in shaping values and norms. "Political rights, including freedom of expression and discussion, are not only pivotal in inducing social responses to economic needs, they are also central to the conceptualization of economic needs themselves." (Amartya 2001) Amartya Sen views the ultimate goal of development as maximising people’s freedom to lead the lives they wish within the context of society. Political freedom and civil rights have importance of their own. Their value to the society does not have to be indirectly established in terms of their contribution to economic growth or other such economic or social achievements. Politically unfree citizens are deficient in freedom even if they happen to enjoy a very high level of income. Freedoms can be of many different kinds. In Development as Freedom, he tried to make the task more manageable by classifying diverse freedoms into five different categories, namely: economic empowerment, political freedoms, social opportunities, protective security and transparency guarantees, There is nothing particularly sacrosanct about this classification, but it does cover the ground. Political freedoms and transparency guarantee particularly in the form
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Creation of a Real Lightsaber
Creation of a Real Lightsaber Travis Wade Creating real-life sci-fi technology How might technology from popular sci-fi culture â€Å"Star Wars†be created in the near future? Technology comes from the thoughts of scientists and inventors, and imagination of science fiction writers. Throughout the sci-fi universes, whether in books or movies, they all have futuristic or even impossible sounding equipment. These large fandoms have set the bar for the future of technology and science, as their imagination to create these science-fiction pieces of technology, is based on what may be possible in the future. From the massive fandom and universe; such as Star Wars, the technology that could only be dreamed of, could one day become a reality. Many new scientific and technological discoveries and creations were first thought up by a writer, trying to sell a few books or even get a movie deal, and were since theorised by scientists to be possible. In the widely popular and extensively imagined universe of Star Wars, the main protagonists and antagonists, The Jedi and The Sith†, use special weapons known as a Lightsaber. Lightsabers are specially made close combat weapons, imagined as a futuristic sword-like weapon, that have a small hilt and a retractable laser blade, capable of cutting through almost everything. In the Star Wars universe, the Lightsaber was made with a powerful battery cell, a focusing crystal and was imbued with the force, as shown in figure 1: (Figure 1, components of a Lightsaber) In real life, the possibilities of creating a Lightsaber are quite real, should a large jump in current technologies spontaneously happen. To create the blade of the Lightsaber, many a thought would be directed immediately towards a high powered laser, however, a highly charged beam of plasma would be more suitable, and easier to harness. Current technologies, such as a plasma cutter, produce super-heated plasma to cut many materials. To create plasma, a plasma cutter feeds inert gas through an electric arc, which is then sped up and released through a small hole to increase the temperature of the plasma. The plasma would need to be propelled to about 1.2 metres, (average length of a Lightsaber) and then the plasma would need to dissipate, as to not create a beam that continues through space. If the plasma beam were to arc around at the end of the beam, return to the hilt of the Lightsaber, and arc back around through the electric arc, which would repower it, as it goes back out, creating a plasma circuit. The width of the beam, an important area in the eyes of a true Star Wars fan, can be controlled due to a powerful magnetic field would need to be employed, to also ensure that the Lightsaber bounces off other Lightsabers, due to the repulsion of the magnetic field. Magnets would create a magnetic field, via Lorentz forces, that would separate the plasma from the chamber, preventing the plasma from melting the â€Å"hilt†. Lorentz forces are the combination of electric and magneticforceson apoint chargedue to electromagnetic fields. Lorentz forces would come into effect, as the plasma arcs around the and back through the electric arc. The electrically charged magnets would create the electric field, and should the magnets be powerful enough, the electromagnetic forces could extend to a distance great enough to channel the plasma into the specific blade shape. A powerful battery or power cell will be needed to keep the electric arc running and powering the plasma. The current apex of battery technology is the â€Å"aluminium graphite battery†, which has been created by scientists at Stanford University, which can recharge a phone in 60 seconds. If the aluminium graphite battery was used to keep an electric arc inside a Lightsaber hilt running long enough to recharge the plasma. The fuel for creating the plasma is usually nitrogen gas in a plasma cutter. The Nitrogen gas would need to be held in a canister inside the Lightsaber hilt, while also being able to refill it. Nitrogen gas is appropriate as the fuel for the plasma arc, as Nitrogen is sufficiently unstable, and viable to charge from an electric arc, due to nitrogen having only 5 valence electrons. Because Nitrogen only has 5 valence electrons, there is a large electromagnetic force attracting other electrons, and therefore, more energy from the electric arc. The creation of a Lightsaber from the universe of Star Wars; is not currently possible with the level of technology and scientific understandings. However, in the near future, with a leap in the scientific understanding and practical uses of energy and plasma, such as projecting plasma into space or creating an electric field capable of being directed away from magnets, a real Lightsaber may be possible, should a scientist with the required research and funding be adventurous enough to create one. Until then, a Lightsaber will remain as just science fiction, and stay as just a fantasy that could one day be a reality. Bibliography Are lightsabers possible?| Explore | 2015. Are lightsabers possible?| Explore | [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 18 May 2015]. Weird Things  » Blog Archive  » 3 Theories On How To Build A Real Life Lightsaber. 2015. Weird Things  » Blog Archive  » 3 Theories On How To Build A Real Life Lightsaber. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 18 May 2015]. Fast beam of neutral atoms created using lasers and plasma | Ars Technica. 2015. Fast beam of neutral atoms created using lasers and plasma | Ars Technica. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 18 May 2015]. Dense plasma focus Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2015. Dense plasma focus Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 18 May 2015]. Electric arc Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2015. Electric arc Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 18 May 2015]. Plasma (physics) Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2015. Plasma (physics) Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 18 May 2015]. Where Saws Failed – How Plasma Cutters Work. 2015. Where Saws Failed – How Plasma Cutters Work. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 24 May 2015]. An aluminium graphite battery that could charge your smartphone in 60 seconds. ExtremeTech. 2015. An aluminium graphite battery that could charge your smartphone in 60 seconds. ExtremeTech. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 24 May 2015]. Lorentz force –Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2015. Lorentz force – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 24 May 2015]. Figure 1:
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Impact of Divorce on Children Essay -- Family Issues
Divorce, once unheard of among most people, is now a commonplace occurrence in families when the adults have decided that they can no longer work out their differences. Unfortunately, divorce tends to have a negative impact on the children in the family, particularly affecting children who already have psychological or emotional difficulties, such as ADHD (Patten, 1999). Problems that arise in children of divorce run the gamut from behavioral problems to later relationship/trust issues. Children of divorce more often display behavioral problems at school than do children from intact families, except when abuse is present in the home (Corcoran, 1997). Children of divorce also have more academic trouble than children from intact homes. This holds true no matter how their academic achievement is scored, whether by grades, standardized tests, or dropout rates, children of divorce tend to have poorer scores than children in a two parent home (Patten, 1999). The problems faced by children of divorce vary depending on the child’s age at the time of the divorce. Very young children (under age two) may not experience problems at all but from age three to age five, children may become more aggressive, tearful, and regress to younger behavior, such as going back to difficulty with independent toileting or needing the comfort of a security blanket (Patten, 1999). Preschool age children may withdraw, preferring to spend time alone rather than playing with other children. They may also seek out the attention of adults more often or become more anxious or angry (Patten, 1999). Young children are also often given to fantasies about their parents’ reconciliation (Corcoran, 1997). Older school-age children tend to try and cope with the situati... ... Works Cited Corcoran, K. (1997, June) Psychological and emotional aspects of divorce. Web. 20 March 2015 Foulkes-Jamison, L. (2001, January 1) The effects of divorce on children. Gainesville Family Magazine. Web. 20 March 2015 Patten, P. (1999) Divorce and children part I: An interview with Robert Hughes, Jr., PhD. Parent News Web. 20 March 2015 Shaw, D and Ingoldsby, E. Children of divorce. Web. 20 March 2015 Temke, M. (2006) The effects of divorce on children. University of New Hampshire publication. Web. 20 March 2015
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity Essay
Nurses and all other healthcare workers come in contact with people of different faiths and religion on a daily bases. In the hospital, it is very critical to encourage religions participation when it is needed. This article points out the authors and Christians perspective in comparison to the Buddhism, Muslim, and Hindu faith approaches to healing. Cultural and spiritual diversity must be allowed in the hospitals as well as health care environments in order to provide complete healing. Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity Spirituality is piece of human existence that is hard to assimilate. Every individual welcomes spirituality differently based on their set of values and experiences. Spirituality is multidimensional and we have proof of its benefits in healthcare and healings. Each person gets their spiritual experience and beliefs from their relationships with the family, the individual and their faith exposure (Anandarajah & Hight, 2001). The intent of this paper is to recorgnize the Author’s spirituality inclination with regards to healing and its important parts. I will first present my Christian viewpoint and method to healing, then the Buddhist, Hindu, and Muslim faiths viewpoints will be compared to the Christians approach to healing. In the conclusion, I will summarize my findings from the comparison of these religions and concepts, then apply them this writer’s health care practice. Author’s Spiritual Perspective on Healing The essentials of this writer’s viewpoint on healing is rooted on her faith and trust in God. She understands the fine line you have to walk when looking for health suggestions as a result of sickness. Her faith led her to believe that God is the ultimate healer of any sickness. The Bible points out sufficient proof that is the ultimate healer of any sickness and the lack of faith is seen as a road block. This is very well illustrated in the story of Asa. She was infected by a disease in his leg. According to the Bible, we were told that although, her sickness was very serious she did not go to God for healing, but instead went to the doctors for help. Second Chronicles 16:12 (NIV) tells us that he died of her sickness. The author is a firm believer of the power of prayers and asking others to pray for you or with you. Every Christian believes in The Holy Spirit and has Him in their hearts, as He prays for us â€Å"in accordance with God’s will†Romans 8:26-27 (NIV), we should pray for one another. This is what God wants us to do. â€Å"As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by failing to pray for you†First Samuel 12:23(NIV). Christian Perspective and Approach to Healing Christians are firm believers that God can heal everybody at any moment in time. Jesus performed many healings here on earth. He used this to prove to all mankind that he is the son of God. Jesus cured so many diseases and sicknesses Matthew 9:35 (NIV). He cured many diseases just by speaking to the people Matthew 8:8(NIV), a woman touched His cloak and she was cured of her bleeding, instantly Mark 5:28(NIV). God can heal people in so many ways. This is the believe of many Christians. Believers are told for pray for God’s healing, however, they are not promised the answer to the prayers or in what form the answers will come. People still visit their Doctors to cure their diseases, but a combination of Doctor’s visits and prayers are usually recommended. The strong faith that Christians have in God’s dominion makes them to believe that God is in charge of all circumstances. The members of the church community receive support from their members through prayer. The church as a family unit gives solid encouragement to its members by providing good support for healing. The bible is God’s words to us and it provides encouragement and understanding through His word. Comparing a Buddhist Approach to Healing As a young boy, Buddha studied the science of medicine. He acquired a good knowledge and types and healing of diseases. He has the believe of life after death and rebirth and the aging process. His understanding of illness and dying allowed him to lead people and educate them about living a healthy life cycle (Bhikshu, n. d. ). Christians have a different view of this. Christians believed that every human being has a soul but Buddhist don’t share this same view. Buddha teaches logical everyday instructions for handling any physical injury and psychological sickness but Christians view is on trust in God’s will and to be merciful to them. Buddhists faith is focused on cause and effect as opposed to the faith that Christians put in Jesus’ healing power. Both faiths approach health and healing from a spiritual practice. Christianity and Buddhism beliefs in health and healing are the same but they differ with the goals. The Buddhists view of spirituality is to build and have a caring mind set towards those that are suffering as result of illness. But Christians focus in God’s mercies to healing them and accepting the will of God. There are leader in the church and temple that can be invited to help them (Bhikshu). Buddhist chant when they pray. And just like Christians, families are asked to join them in prayer in other to achieve their goal. In both religions, the patients concern is to eliminate pain and suffering. The will rather do it without pharmacological treatments. This is to give them a clear mind. Buddhism patients benefit from peace and quietness for the purpose of meditation (Ehman, 2007). Neither faiths teach to fear death, but in the Buddhist faith the rituals done to the body right before and after death are extremely crucial to the next cycle of life for the body while the Christian faith hold to the faith the soul has gone to heaven and that it is just the physical body that is left. Comparing a Muslim Approach to Healing The Qur’an together with the prophet Muhammad, is similar to the Christian Bible and Jesus. They are both full of citations to the use of reason in all aspects of human life including healing practices. Muslims and Christians both are of the believe that Allah nor God created diseases. Muslims are certain that Allah created the treatment to the illnesses. They also believe that praying and supplication, recitation of the Qur’an and accepting Allah, is significant in the healing process. They also accept the importance of modern medicine. It is like like the Christian believe in accepting God and the power of prayers in the healing process (Yousif, n. d. ). The Muslims explanation of illness is that diseases can be a form of knowledge by which man attains personal experience with Allah. Both Christianity and Islam (Muslim) accept the fact that life and death comes from God and that its beyond human control. (Yousif,n. d. ) Both religions value the importance of prayers, but the Muslim faith enforces the amount and your position while you say your prayers. A Muslim patient will become upset if they are not able to participate in their daily prayers. When this happens, their clergy should be made aware of it as soon as possible. A Muslim patient has higher tolerance for pain because complaining is viewed as a sign of weakness. Muslims have stricter food and hygiene requirements because of their religion compared to most Christians. Majority of Muslims practice vegetarian diets and it is their belief that running water is necessary to be completely cleaned. Both Christians and Muslims values family importance but at death someone in the family must whisper declaration of faith to the dead. Christians are not required to fast at any given time but for Muslims, it’s a must during the Ramadan. (Ehman, 2007). Comparing a Hindu Approach to Healing Hinduism is a very complex belief system. It is not just religion but a way of life like their Christian counterpart. The name â€Å"Hinduism†comes from the word â€Å"India†and points to so many religious practices and viewpoints that have been in existence in India more than a thousand years ago. Hindu encourages the worship of so many Gods, believe in reincarnation, value the tradition of meditation. They family unit and the power of prayer are valuable in the healing process. Christians accept God’s will, but Karma in Hindu gives an explanation to what happened (Sukumaran, n. d. ). Modesty is expected from the opposite sex care giver, their diet of choice is vegetarian, fast is very frequent. Hindus have a great respect for medical professionals, but many are quite wary of drugs and pills. If drugs are given, try to explain what it is for and what the effects are. Natural and homeopathic medicine is preferred over drugs and surgery in most cases. Conclusion Religious diversity is more prominent than ever before in the United States hospitals. This author appreciates both the similarities and differences presented in comparing Christianity’s’ perspective to healing and those of the Buddhist, Muslim, and Hindu faiths. Prayer, clergy, family, and reflection seem to be the common thread throughout all of these faiths. The view of the body, death, and life cycles seem to show the most differences. This writer and caregiver was enlightened to respect and enhance peaceful environments for meditation and reflection and promote family involvement whenever possible for all patients.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Business Research Ethics
This article explains why it is important for banks to have good ethics. The banks have an ethical responsibility to the government, the shareholders, and the people they serve. Communities have a history on trusting the banks to loan money to responsible parties. The banker’s role is one of stewardship based on trust (Green, C F 1989). The banks major responsibility is to trust our government, customer’s shareholders, and management staff to be ethical in their decisions. In this article, they discussed how ethical issues have an impact on managing for the longer term. There first question asked was when a company lies does an individual or company have an ethical responsibility to report any bad conduct to that individual. The answer to that question is yes, they have a responsibility to report any illegal actions. The laws of a LLC still hold companies accountable for what they do and banks are held accountable for what they do. A company can only go forward doing bad business for a short time before they start to collapse, and what I mean be that is if a company lies, cheats and steals form the people they will certainly be discovered. Therefore, the article tells us that in the end, even though it might be more effort for the company, (the banks) the company who does well ethically will stay in business. Having said that we have to acknowledge that money is a sticky business and business to make money. Therefore, as the markets open up through deregulation the World Wide Web and its technology will replace the face-to-face contact. Now deregulation just means that companies can trade and sell in markets that were closed to them in the past. Read Essay In Westminster Abbey Analysis Currently we have a single person working for a company doing both the selling and buying for us where it used to be stockbrokers and jobbers but with the new laws they have now rid of the jobbers and have given all the power to the stockbrokers. Now we have to trust the brokers and the companies they work for. Now the government has an obligation to protect the interests of the individuals they serve. The Government trust is clear from the financial services industry in Britain, of course there relationship depends a lot on the legislation, but then again the trust is there and has been for many years. For example, a recent example of consumer protection in the UK banks, national Westminster Bank has chosen independent status. They choose to give their customers an unbiased advice. At the very least the banks can be broken up into two parts those who barrow money, and those who lend it. Both the lenders and the barrowers have a very different and moral responsibility. A lending banker has to consider the canons of lending. The canons of lending are the banker’s responsibility to find the purposes’ in why an individual would need to be loaned money. The ethical issues that need to be understood are the purpose for the lending. It would be the banker’s ethical responsibility to the bank, and its community that uses there local banks to make an honest and ethical decision to loan the money to the borrower. The integrity and business ability of the borrower need addressing. The banks need to look at how the borrower will repay the community and the banks for the money they borrow. This is when the banks or the managerial staff will be satisfied to loan the money to the borrower. When all responsibility parties and issues have been addressed. In the banks situation they are always concerned when loaning money to an individual or a small company. There are ethical decisions to be made. Banking and finance is the people’s business meaning we depend on our people to run the business. The article was big on describing the relationship between the people and the banks are one. For example, the people who work at the banks live in the same communities they serve. Therefore, the banks make their employees and managers sign contracts to work. These contracts protect both the people and the banks form wrongdoing. The contract states both the banks and the employees’ rights. If there is an incident, the contract is extended beyond the contract and into the laws of society. The article gives examples of companies where action on issues like disciplining staff or creating equality opportunity extend beyond contracts and into legal requirements. Our society has its own standards on ethical behavior and this article explains how ethical behavior can be avoided by following the rules of contracts and having a moral obligation to the community by having good ethical standers. This article sums up by reiterating that the banks have responsibilities to both the government, stockholders and the people to make good ethical decisions.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Submission
Several authors we have read focus on the relationship between gender and economics. In both â€Å"Roselily†written by Alice Walker and â€Å"Another Evening at the Club†written by Alifa Rifaat, we can see how economics/class shapes the gender relationships between women and their husbands, and how it uncovers ulterior motives for marriage. Although these stories are set in different times and different places, they carry a common theme. Both of these stories portray women who succumb to men for financial security. In â€Å"Another Evening at the Club†, an arranged marriage provides financial security to a young girl and her family. The story begins with the meeting of a man and the protagonist’s father to discuss the dowry for his daughter: â€Å"It was only a few years ago that she had first laid eyes on him at her father’s house, meeting his gaze that weighed up her beauty and priced it before offering the dowry†(382). Rifaat tells the story of a girl married to a man 2-3 times her age for the economic benefit of her family on the premise that she would live without financial worries. â€Å"â€Å"You’re a lucky girl,†her mother told her. â€Å"He’s a real find. Any girl would be happy to have him. He’s an Inspector of Irrigation though he’s not yet 40†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (383). Her mother knew that a man who earned a big salary and had fully furnished government housing would save the family the expenses they would have ha d to cover, had housing not already been provided. Being married to a man with economic status would create a comfortable status for her, as well as financial security for the family. Her family’s support of the arrangement seemed to not focus on her love for her future husband, but more so for the money they would receive in exchange for the marriage. â€Å"On her wedding night, as he put a diamond bracelet around her wrist, he reminded her that she was marrying someone with a brilliant career in front of... Free Essays on Submission Free Essays on Submission Several authors we have read focus on the relationship between gender and economics. In both â€Å"Roselily†written by Alice Walker and â€Å"Another Evening at the Club†written by Alifa Rifaat, we can see how economics/class shapes the gender relationships between women and their husbands, and how it uncovers ulterior motives for marriage. Although these stories are set in different times and different places, they carry a common theme. Both of these stories portray women who succumb to men for financial security. In â€Å"Another Evening at the Club†, an arranged marriage provides financial security to a young girl and her family. The story begins with the meeting of a man and the protagonist’s father to discuss the dowry for his daughter: â€Å"It was only a few years ago that she had first laid eyes on him at her father’s house, meeting his gaze that weighed up her beauty and priced it before offering the dowry†(382). Rifaat tells the story of a girl married to a man 2-3 times her age for the economic benefit of her family on the premise that she would live without financial worries. â€Å"â€Å"You’re a lucky girl,†her mother told her. â€Å"He’s a real find. Any girl would be happy to have him. He’s an Inspector of Irrigation though he’s not yet 40†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (383). Her mother knew that a man who earned a big salary and had fully furnished government housing would save the family the expenses they would have ha d to cover, had housing not already been provided. Being married to a man with economic status would create a comfortable status for her, as well as financial security for the family. Her family’s support of the arrangement seemed to not focus on her love for her future husband, but more so for the money they would receive in exchange for the marriage. â€Å"On her wedding night, as he put a diamond bracelet around her wrist, he reminded her that she was marrying someone with a brilliant career in front of...
Monday, October 21, 2019
SkinCancer essays
SkinCancer essays Before you can fully understand skin cancer, it helps to know a little about what cancer is in general. Cancer is a group of many different diseases that have some important things in common. Normal cells grow and divide only when needed, but cancerous cells keep dividing when they are not needed, which creates the tumor. There are two types of tumors to be aware of and they are: benign and malignant. While both may cause alarm, only one needs to cause one to seriously worry. Benign tumors are not cancerous and do not spread, but on the other hand, malignant tumors are cancerous. They are abnormal and divide without control. Since malignant tumors can divide, it is possible to have cancer in one area of the body and over time end up with it elsewhere. This process is called metastasis. Metastasis is when cancer cells can break away from the malignant tumor and enter the bloodstream or lymphatic system. One of the easiest forms of cancer to detect is skin cancer. To fully u nderstand what skin cancer is, you must know what the skin is made up of. The skin is composed of numerous layers. The layer that skin cancer originates in is the epidermis. It is made up of flat, scale-like cells called squamous cells. Underneath these cells are basal cells. Also within the epidermis are melanocytes. Melanocytes, found in the deepest part of the epidermis, produce melanin, which gives us our skin color. Skin cancer is divided into three major categories: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. The most common, basal cell carcinoma, accounts for 90% of all skin cancers in the United States. This skin cancer arises from the basal cells in the epidermis. Basal cell carcinoma is a slow growing cancer that rarely spreads. It can invade and destroy nearby bone and cartilage. On the other hand, squamous cell carcinoma begins in the squamous cells of the epidermis. This, too, rarely spreads, but does more so than...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Vocabulary Words To Know in The Pearl
Vocabulary Words To Know in The Pearl Although short, The Pearl by John Steinbeck can be a challenging read. A great way to expand your vocabulary is to read a book with words that you dont know yet. In that way, reading The Pearl can be a helpful exercise. Heres a vocabulary list from John Steinbeck by chapter. Chapter 1 avarice - greedbougainvillea - a type of tropical flowerconsolation - to comfortdetachment - lack of concern or attachmentindigent - poor; impoverishedlymphatic - tissue where white blood cells are producedscandal - shamefululcers - open sores Chapter 2 bulwark - defensive wallestuary - river meets sea tidegloating - prideful; braggingincandescence - giving off lightlateen - sail (triangle)poultice - an herbal application for the purpose of healing or remedytelescopically - slide within one another; like a telescope Chapter 3 almsgiving - giving money to the poorammonia - colorless gas with a characteristic pungent odourconsecrated - sacredcozened - trickery; misleadingdisparagement - insultdissembling - misleadingfurtive - secretivejudicious - to exercise good judgment; sound thinkinglucent - softly bright; radiantprecipitated - hurled; cause to move suddenlysubjugation - forced submission; conquertransfigured - idealize; metamorphosis Chapter 4 appraiser - one who estimates worth or valuecontemptuous - scorn or disdaincountenanced - toleratedcrafty - cleverfreshet - freshwater stream (flowing into the sea)legerdemain - magiclethargy - tired; weaktules - weaving material Chapter 5 edifice - building or structureexhilaration - glad; joyfulleprosy - chronic granulomatous communicable diseaseskirled - a shrill callstifling - smothering; suffocating; to take away breath or restrict Chapter 6 apprehensively - fearfulcleft - splitescarpment - a long, steep slope or cliff; declivityintercession - intervention; protection; mediationmalignant - dangerous; harmful; tumorous; deadlymonolithic - huge; imposingmonotonously - boring; without variationoutcroppings - layers of rockthreshed - beat; whipped
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Economics Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Economics - Case Study Example To earn the wealth countries need to trade and maximize the difference in their balance of trade by maximizing exports that is a source of generating revenue and minimize imports that cost it to pay. There were two types of manufacturers; one who were export oriented and others who were domesticated with their products. Export oriented manufacturers favored the mercantilist approach and believed in subsidies, tax rebates etc. to increase their sales to foreign countries. But the domestic manufacturers foresee threats to their produces and wanted tariff quotas and stringent policies to restrict the trade. This mercantilist theory was before Adam Smith's. Then came the theory of absolute advantage; according to Adam Smith countries should export goods in which they have an absolute advantage and import other goods from countries that have absolute advantage in producing them i.e. goods in which they are more productive. Adam Smith's criticism to Mercantilists approach was that it confused the accumulation of treasure with the accumulation of wealth. The gold and silver that the country holds is not the wealth of the country. Wealth of a country according to him is measured by the wealth that the nationals of the country hold. And thus use the term absolute advantage to compare the productivity of people with other people, firms with other firms or between nations. The contemporary of Adam Smith was David Ricardo, who gave the concept of comparative advantage; according to Ricardo if there is no difference in productivity then there is no absolute advantage and hence no trade will take place amongst countries. There are some subtle and slight differences among the absolute and the comparative advantage theories, but it is important to take into account the differences. Firstly, as the term absolute and the comparative in the name themselves suggests that Adam Smith's theory takes absolute measures of productivity to compare and David Ricardo's relative measures to compare the productivity amongst the nations. Therefore if absolute productivity is same then trade should not occur according to Adam Smith but Ricardo suggests that it is important to look at the relative productivity for the trade to occur or not. Adam Smith's trade theory does not incorporate any differences that might arise from the different use of technology or probably the difference in the combination of the labor or capital input used. David Ricardo's model has an inherent assumption and a more practical approach that tells that countries differ in their usage of production technologies such that obviously one country will be more productive in use of its resources than the other. And therefore if both the countries specialize in their production areas then output for both the countries can increase. This increase in output would be because of enhanced productivity even when no more inputs are put into the production process. Then countries can contract between themselves and trade goods that are there specialty i.e. import products in which other country specializes and export in which it has its specialization. Then both countries can benefit from one another. Adam Smith's absolute
Friday, October 18, 2019
Exercise 5.3 and 5.4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Exercise 5.3 and 5.4 - Assignment Example He said that many drivers had removed their winter snow tires and the dusting was enough to create conditions in which cars slid off the road.       A call to the National Weather Service at Fargos Hector International airport also yielded that a narrow band of storm clouds rolled across central North Dakota, dumping just a tenth of an inch of snow. The NWS spokesperson Todd Drizzle said, â€Å"We got a bit more than we expected," adding that forecasters had expected "mere flurries." D. B. Dotty, 124 W. Breedlaw Road, who also witnessed the accident, testified that the ground froze fast the previous night to near zero. â€Å"The concrete was so cold this morning that instead of melting, the snow turned to ice. Nobody expected it. It got slick all of a sudden," She said. When I arrived there, motorists had fled the scene of the accident and backed up half a mile on both sides of the scene. Responding also to the accident were a water-tanker truck, a paramedics unit, a rescue squad, two fire engines, state and county troopers and a tow truck. The other car driver John Washburn, a 22-year-old undergraduate at North Dakota State University, was unhurt after driving his white Geo Metro into a mailbox on Poplar Avenue. Mr.Washbum regretted having pulled off his snow tires the previous week. â€Å"I guess Ill wait a few more weeks next year. Sure stinks to get stuck in the snow," he said. A police spokesperson observed that most of the 60 accidents occurred between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Melinda Frades, a 69-year-old woman has lost to fire a home and small barn at 384 Serramonte Ave. The estimated value of the property was $1.2 million. The fire began at about 4 p.m. at the bottom of a hill near the highway and spread up to the top, where it reached the single-story ranch-style house. According to Woodside Fire Capt. Jan Spiegel, it looked like it might have been something somebody threw from a car, although this is yet to be
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - Research Paper Example Therefore, there must be the fulfillment of the obligation to create positive living within the individual. The balance should be maintained between their psychological and physiological health. One of the chief causes of an unhealthy societal living is witnessed in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Kichin (2004) defines the condition as an invisible injury that causes a long-term effect on the affected individual. PTSD has been defined as an emotional condition, normally termed as an anxiety disorder resulting from a terrifying life experience that is considered damaging to the individual. The sufferers of the condition exhibit the avoidance state where they consider places, people or events unsecure for fear of reliving the condition. The patients are sensitive towards societal events and depict the condition termed as hypererousal (Drden-Edwards and Stoppler, 2012). The creation of the condition has been realized in lasting impressions that had threatened the healthy societal engagement in these individuals and affect their emotional condition. Such individuals had experienced either a physical abuse, sexual, severe loss or an increased natural calamity that had not been expected. These creations have the tendency of reoccurring and events that are closely linked to the fete are witnessed as life threatening. PTSD presents numerous symptoms, affecting individuals of a diverse demographic, but there have been countermeasures to limit the condition and create positive living. Causes and Effects The condition results after a negative life threatening condition that the patient observes as may reoccur and create mental insecurity. The experience may be described as having a prolonged physical scar or mark on the patient to remind them of the experience faced. In the U.S., the data is explained that an increasing number of 7-8% of the total population develops the condition with the leading causes being rape and combat veterans. The condition may be witnessed more in children who are subjected to the conditions due to their vulnerability. Moreover, girls more than boys experience the condition due to the lack of a security figure to protect them from adverse conditions (Schiraldi, 2000). The state of being subjected to trauma, or witnessing events that are life threatening that depicts both physical and emotional damages has been the chief cause of PTSD. Schiraldi (2000) suggest that the victims are diagnosed with effects from negative life experiences like mugging, civil disorder, mental and physical torture that may have the tendency to reoccur causing the sufferer to reminisce on the experience. However, some patients diagnosed with the condition may face a separate experience that may have been caused by an immediate occurrence of an event. These are in divorce or unemployment realized to create discomfort in their state of living. Trauma presents variable physical impacts to the individual to depict the characteristic throughout th eir lifestyle to identify the condition. Researchers have offered the link to reduced hippocampus, which is charged with the role of memory within the brain, for people who experience the stressful conditions within their lifetime. Shiromani, LeDoux & Keane (2009) articulate that persons who experience PTSD have smaller hippocampus and depict an increased tendency towards substance abuse as compared to healthy persons. The mostly abused drugs are cigarettes, marijuana and alcohol that the affected
Bank Regulations in Europe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Bank Regulations in Europe - Essay Example There are currently many regulatory transitions underway which will have multifaceted effects on how Banks are run in Europe and the ultimate investments they deem as adequate for progressive growth. The controversy surrounding these regulations stems from past success as well as the impact recent recession ratios have imposed on the market. The question this analysis will attempt to address is whether or not these regulations are necessary for European banks to progress in the years to come. Basel II is the second of the Basel Accords. These are recommendations set by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. The point of these laws is to apply some regulation to the worldwide banking system, an international standard by which all banks may abide. These regulations are an attempt to safeguard the Banking Market against many of the risks banks face yearly. They have seen as a safety net for the international banking market in the case that one major bank collapses. The main focus of the regulations is to reduce the amount of risk all banks take on. Through rigorous risk and capital regulations, Basel II is able to ensure that Banks are not able to take on more risk than they have solvency to maintain. Despite the Basel II regulations and their proven success throughout the past years, recent developments in the global economy have pointed to a need for more strict regulations. This can largely be connected to the massive recession that has occurred over the past two ye ars in the global economy. The nature of the European Banking system and its current need for BeselIII regulations is in reaction to the state of the Economy. The CIA World Factbook notes that the United States of America has the largest economy in the globe. "The recent failure in the U.S. housing and credit markets have resulted in a slowdown in the US economy. 2007 GDP growth was estimated at 2.2% but in 2008 it is projected to be just 0.9%, down from the 10-year average of 2.8% (St Labs, p1)." According to the United States Department of Labor, The Unemployment rate as of September 2009 was 9.8%, which is the result of a progressive growth 8.9% in April 2009. The Banks have followed suit with the housing industry as well as many of the corporations gout This effect in the west has impacted the Europes. University of Maryland economist Peter Morici declares "we are in a depression (Shinkle, p1)." He signifies a recession as an economic decline from which an economy can eventually recover but poses that the state the American economy is in today is much worse and can't be resolved with a quick fix. "My feeling is that if (the president) doesn't fix what's structurally broken, what caused this, we'll be back into this after the federal stimulus has had its effect," says Morici (Shinkle, p1). Many different aspects of the American economy have come under fire as the cause of this financial crisis, most infamous of these methods to date are credit default swap contracts and short selling. The very first credit default swap contract was constructed in 1997 by JP Morgan and it is given credit for what initiated the market to balloon up to a $45 trillion value in 2007 (Pinsent, p1).
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The impacts in Canada of the collapse of the financial markets Essay
The impacts in Canada of the collapse of the financial markets - Essay Example Bank analysts forecasted that the federal government may encounter a budget deficit of $40 billion for 2009 (Annis, 2009). Among the first institutions to fall is Nortel Networks, a century-old telecommunications company. However, Nortel’s problems are not caused by the crisis alone; since 2001 the firm had become prone to market weakness when it bought two companies for $ 15 billion just before the Internet crash in the US market. The company’s recovery after that was cut short, this time by an accounting scandal for which then CEO Frank Dunn was fired and seven corporate officers charged with massive accounting fraud (Duffy & Greene, 2009; Brieger, 2007). As a result of the collapse of Nortel, it filed for bankruptcy protection from creditors in January 2009; unfortunately, it also stopped paying severance, transition allowances, deferred wages and pensions to its former employees and retirees. This has brought untold suffering to many of these who have no other source of income. Despite its problems, I believe the Canadian government did not bail out Nortel because of the financial recklessness of the company officials in embarking on a massive acquisition program in the high-tech boom for which it incurred a high amount of debt. But more than this, it is likely due to the accounting fraud that company officials committed in 2004, to the disadvantage of corporate operations. A timeline diagram shows the facts about Nortel: Many causes have contributed to the US financial crisis, all traceable to the failure of regulatory procedures applied to banks and financial institutions. Firstly, the Basel II Accord provisions ensuring the financial safety of banks were circumvented by cosmetic financial reporting (Jones, 2000), although regulators would have been able to detect these violations had they been more vigilant.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Benefits of learning Macroeconomics in my life Essay
Benefits of learning Macroeconomics in my life - Essay Example Based on the fact that I am pursuing a course in economics, my dream has always been to become one of the most successful economists in the country. Being a successful economist would involve being a Chief Executive Officer of a manager in the most respected organizations in the world. These roles necessitate one to have a wide range of knowledge in macroeconomics as well as other fields associated with economics. Being a top official in a highly respected organization involves a lot of interviews in televisions and radio stations. In doing so, an individual offers insight into the happenings of his organization and hence this can be considered a form of marketing. Furthermore, one of the units learnt in macroeconomics is leadership. Therefore, learning macroeconomics has enabled me to learn and gain leadership skills and abilities. Learning macroeconomics will ensure that I familiarize myself with all aspects of preceding and current economic issues of benefit in my future role as a top executive. Successful organizations in all parts of the world are governed by distinct rules and regulations. For managers to implement plans of actions geared towards enhancing and maintain organizational structures, incorporation of skills and knowledge in macroeconomics is critical. The study of macroeconomics involves investigating behaviours of various organizations and other successful institutions. Therefore, learning macroeconomics presents me with knowledge on how to create and implement organizational rules. and guidelines associated with macroeconomics. In general, the study of Macroeconomics is involved with investigating comportment, performance, or conduct of the economy. It would be hard for me to implement economic policies without understanding various market conditions such as fluctuating prices of commodities and services. Conditions in the economy are always changing. This can be attributed to the current advancements in technology and globalization. These are some of the factors that determine the price of commodities and services. Researchers have in the past been involved in methodical investigations geared towards identifying why market conditions are ever changing. Results from these studies are very important and are incorporated in the study of economics (Mankiw, 2011). Learning economics has enabled me to gain skills and abilities that will help me predict market conditions in future. Learning macroeconomics comprises of identification, measurement, and comparison of economic assessments from a range of markets and from different countries or regions. It also involves tracking various aspects that affects market conditions and how to create and implement strategies in practice that would mitigate effects of poor market conditions. An individual can effectively understand market conditions through observing previous market trends. Understanding or analyzing these trends requires one to have certain skills and knowledge that can only be acquired through learning macroeconomics. Therefore, I will be able to follow these trends in future and identify opportunities for investments. There are times market conditions are dilapidated and at other times the market is stable. Understanding the concept of supply and demand is of benefit to businessmen today (Madariaga, 2005). As an economist and businessman in future, I
The impacts in Canada of the collapse of the financial markets Essay
The impacts in Canada of the collapse of the financial markets - Essay Example Bank analysts forecasted that the federal government may encounter a budget deficit of $40 billion for 2009 (Annis, 2009). Among the first institutions to fall is Nortel Networks, a century-old telecommunications company. However, Nortel’s problems are not caused by the crisis alone; since 2001 the firm had become prone to market weakness when it bought two companies for $ 15 billion just before the Internet crash in the US market. The company’s recovery after that was cut short, this time by an accounting scandal for which then CEO Frank Dunn was fired and seven corporate officers charged with massive accounting fraud (Duffy & Greene, 2009; Brieger, 2007). As a result of the collapse of Nortel, it filed for bankruptcy protection from creditors in January 2009; unfortunately, it also stopped paying severance, transition allowances, deferred wages and pensions to its former employees and retirees. This has brought untold suffering to many of these who have no other source of income. Despite its problems, I believe the Canadian government did not bail out Nortel because of the financial recklessness of the company officials in embarking on a massive acquisition program in the high-tech boom for which it incurred a high amount of debt. But more than this, it is likely due to the accounting fraud that company officials committed in 2004, to the disadvantage of corporate operations. A timeline diagram shows the facts about Nortel: Many causes have contributed to the US financial crisis, all traceable to the failure of regulatory procedures applied to banks and financial institutions. Firstly, the Basel II Accord provisions ensuring the financial safety of banks were circumvented by cosmetic financial reporting (Jones, 2000), although regulators would have been able to detect these violations had they been more vigilant.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Crafted Beer vs Mass Produced Beer Essay Example for Free
Crafted Beer vs Mass Produced Beer Essay According to (http://www. brewersassociation. org/pages/business-tools/craft-brewing-statistics/craft-brewer-defined) a craft brewer is â€Å"small, independent and traditional†. They have to produce less than six million barrels to be considered a craft brewery. Also from a financial point there is a difference to a mass producing beer brewery, an alcoholic industry can only have a maximum of 25% of the brewery. If they own more than this they are considered mass producing brewery because the alcoholic industry is considered to own the craft brewery. Furthermore it has to have â€Å"at least 50% of its volume in either all malt beers or in beers which use adjuncts to enhance rather than lighten flavor†(http://www. brewersassociation. org/pages/business-tools/craft-brewing-statistics/craft-brewer-defined). Although many people think that there is only â€Å"one†beer, most of them never tried crafted beer because they would notice immediately differences in taste compared to mass produced beer. The history of crafted beer and mass produced beer is pretty different, as you can imagine beer exists a long time and the way of producing in industries is not very old. The first crafted beers were made in Egypt over 4,000 years ago. There are no records how the Egypt people came up with the idea, but according to (www. ancientegyptonline. co. uk/beer. html) Osiris an Egyptian god taught the people how the brew beer, it was mostly a female activity and the main ingredient in was â€Å"bread made from a rich yeasty dough possibly including malt†, then it was â€Å"baked and crumbled through a sieve with water†and the last part was adding flavor and letting it stay in order to ferment. On the other hand the first mass produced beer was brewed about 3,800 years later in 1840 in the Czech Republic when the creator Pilsner Urquell decided to use the new technologies brought by the industrialization to make beer available for every person. This started one of the biggest markets nowadays. The way of producing the beers is not really different in the sense of mechanism, because both types of beers using assembly lines in order to produce a large output. Still the factories differ from another in some points; the production of crafted beer is kept â€Å"small†and maintains focus on the quality. These factories are producing a variety of beers and their motto is quality over quantity. The factories of mass produced beer are way bigger compared to the craft breweries and they prefer rather quantity for a greater mass of people than quality. You can’t say that their beer is bad but it doesn’t have the same level as crafted beer. In addition the primary ingredients of the beer are the same: water, malted barley and hops, it is just the normal way to produce beer nowadays. What makes the difference in these two types is the flavor of the beer, while mass produced beer tastes pretty similar if you compare different brands this is definitely not the case with crafted beer. Each craft brewery tries to create its own, unique beer by adding non-traditional beer ingredients. The last difference in the way of producing is that in craft beers are mostly no adjuncts and not all of them are fermented like it is the case with mass produced beer. (http://www. php) Why are there so many people attracted to crafted beer? In order to answer this you have to look at the factories which produce the beers because they have a whole different attitude towards their customers. The biggest difference in their attitude shows in their connection to the customers, while mass producing breweries have no connection at all to their customers, the crafted breweries are actually very close to them. Most of them ask their customers for feedback in order to make a better beer and solve their current problems. Furthermore the beer producing factories are not just a little bit different. One of the most famous mass producing beer factory is Anheuser-Busch Inc (Bud Light), which has factories all over America and doesn’t only produce beer, it is also specialized in energy drink, malt beverages and non-alcoholic drinks. The craft breweries on the other hand are only specialized in beers, a famous one is the Harpoon Brewery which is located in Boston. (http://www. cnbc. com/id/39233398/page/2) , (http://www. nomorefreebeer. com/index. php/the-facts/anheuser-beer-list/) There are two main aspects why people prefer crafted beer over mass produced beer, and quality is one of those aspects. The main reason why they differ so much is that the purpose of the factories producing the beer is different.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Vital Capacity Test In Football
The Vital Capacity Test In Football Football has become a sport that interest by all population in this world. To play or become a good football player, the person must master many skills and have a healthy physical and mental. Football players also must combine speed, strength, agility, power, and endurance as basic qualities before the individual skills inherent to the playing of soccer can be utilized and depend on the position such as defense, strikers, midfielder and goal keeper. The understanding of the physical and the mental demands of the sport will enable a more scientific approach to the training of soccer players by (Bell and Rhodes 1975; Caru et. al. 1970; Fardy 1969). Football is one of the sports that need high intensity of workload or physical activity, for example the combination of walk and repeated sprints need sufficient recovery between activity. Stated by (Nicks et. al. 2006) and Romer So the player must have strong muscles, high muscular endurance, have strong core and have high level of aerobic capacity because the football game are played for 90 minutes. So the training must contain high aerobic training to improve cardiovascular and pulmonary functions so the athlete can cope with the sport. Physiological assessment of athletes can provide an opportunity to examine or test the adaptation to specific types of exercises and training. These adaptations can be valuable to the clinician, coaches and athletes themselves. For example, lab test that can be proceed to examine the adaptation to specific types of exercises and training. To test the adaptation to the lung we can use pulmonary functions test to examine the effectiveness of lung muscles functioning, to check the vital capacity and to estimate the lung volumes. The function of the lung is to deliver O2 to gas exchanged surface and exhaust CO2 to atmosphere. To achieve this with brain functioning normally, breath begins with contraction of inspiratory muscle enlarging the thorax, lowering intrathoracic and pleural pressures, enlarging the alveoli and airways, expanding the alveolar gas so reducing its pressure below atmospheric. Air at atmospheric pressure must flow into the thorax where it is conducted to, and diffuses, out into the alveoli. The carriage of air through the airways depends on the patency of the tube as well as on the consistency of the lung and the power of the respiratory muscles. At any one moment approximately 100ml of desaturated blood, with a strong affinity for O2, is spread over an area of 70 square meters( area of pulmonary capillary bed ) separated from air by a membrane 0.2 micron thick. Oxygen from alveolar air diffuses rapidly across the alveolar capillary membrane and is finally chemically combined with hemoglob in molecules within the circulating red blood cells (RBC), CO2 diffuses into opposite direction and is eliminated in expired gas. The Vital capacity test is one of the oldest and most common respiratory tests. The measurement of vital capacity (VC) simply requires that an individual blow as large a breath of air as possible into a spirometer. Thus, the person expels three of the four components of the total lung volume when performing the vital test. There are inspiratory reserve volume (IRV), tidal volume (TV) and expiratory reserve volume (ERV). It provides an indirect indication of the size of the lung, although it is not a complete measure of the entire lung size because it does not account for residual volume. In general facts, vital capacity relate to three uncontrolled characteristics which are age, stature and gender. Lung function measurements also may be made for several reasons. They are useful in describing the lung for diagnostic purpose and subsequently in monitoring change. Accuracy and consistency are therefore very important, and a convention exists for the procedure of measurement and expression of result. In general, a measurement will only be accepted after multiple attempts have been scrutinized and expressed under standard conditions. These are usually body temperature and atmospheric pressure. To guarantee accuracy, laboratory practice should include regular physical and biological calibration of the equipment. Standard for good laboratory conduct have been described greatly by British Thoracic Society or association of respiratory technologist and physiologist 1997. In health there are several factors which influence the magnitude of the lung function. These include height, sex, age, and to a lesser degree weight and ethnic origin (Cotes1979, Anthonisen1986). As a result, assessment of normalcy can only be compared with reference values. The better can be obtained from the study of larger numbers of normal people from the relevant population (European community for Coal and Steel 1983). Once obtained, results can be expressed as percentage predicted or, more correctly, by comparison with the 95% confidence interval for the valves. Problem statement. It is interesting to know whether there are any different of lung volumes and lung capacities base on the different position in the football team such as striker position and defenses position. In football team, the defenders position tasks are different with the striker position task, for example the defensive position, the job of the centre backs or central defenders is to stop opposing players, particularly the strikers, from getting the opportunity to score, and to clear the ball from their own penalty area. So usually the defense has big physical to stop the striker, but different with the striker position, usually the strikers position players have not too big physical, because these positions are for the fast person to score the goal. This study of pulmonary function of the Uitm football players base on position, have taken students group of both striker position and defense position of aged between 19-25 years and focused on essential parameters including, FVC and has used Spirometer. The spirometer device used to assess these parameters. This study mainly concentrates on lung parameters including Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) and how far it varies base on the position such as striker and defense. The FVC also use to assess the lung function of Uitm soccer players. Operational Terms 1.2.1 Exhalation is act or an instance of exhaling air. From journal sources Masaoka Y, Satoh H, Akai L, Homma I. (2010) 1.2.2 Inhalation is the drawing of air or other substances into the lung. From internet sources 1.2.3 Total lung capacity are refers to the total amount of air in the lungs after taking the deepest breath possible. From internet sources 1.2.4 Ventilation is a cyclic process of inspiration and expiration whereby optimal levels of Oxygen and cabondioxide are maintained in the alveoli and arterial blood. 1.2.5 Tidal Volume (VT) is defined as the amount of air that is inspired and expired during normal resting ventilation. 1.2.6 Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) is the maneuvers in which the maximum amount of air that can be exhaled following a inspiratory effort. 1.2.7 Maximum voluntary ventilation (MVV) can be defined as the maximum volume of air that can be breathed by a person in one minute. From internet sources Objectives In this study, there are some purposes or objective that can be seen. They are; To measure the level of fitness of Uitm football players by using force vital capacity y test. To determine whether there is a different in pulmonary functions base on position in football team such as defense and striker. 1.4 Hypothesis H °-There is no significant different on pulmonary functions in football position such as striker and defense H ª-There is significant different on pulmonary functions in football position such as striker and defense 1.5 Significant of the study The significant of this study is mainly to measure and compare the lung volumes and capacities among the Uitm football player base on their position. Does the football position such as striker position and defenses position have differences effects on the lung volumes and capacities? The study is important because it can help certain peoples such as coach, physiotherapy and athletes especially in any kinds of sports to improve pulmonary functions. In addition, this study also can increase knowledge of coach and athletes, and show them how important is to have efficient and strong lung to improves their performances for their sport. 1.6 Delimitation The first delimitation is the number of any kinds of research subjects, which consists thirty (n=30) age range from 19-25 years old will take part in this study. The subjects are selected in the Uitm football team and physically active and all the participants must be healthy. The subjects are divided into two groups of defense and striker. The others delimitation is the subject gender and age. The test will be conduct in Physiology Lab. Limitation In this study, the participants involved may have some experience in vital capacity test. The participants that will be selects in this study will be participating in the lab test by using spirometer. The participation is important in this study because it can affect the results and data if the participants do not cooperate and participate willingly. Besides that, the time constrains also can be one of the factors because the participants have their own schedules and will clash with the test schedules and can not attend the test. In addition, money can be a problem because, there is no sponsored in this study. The daily activities of the participants will not be controlled. Assumption In this study, it can be assumed that all the participants can do and completed the vital capacity test. Thus, I also believe and make sure that all the participants will understand and follow all the instruction given by the technician. The researchers also predict that all the participants are physically active and healthy. The researcher assumed that the test in this study instrumentation was appropriate for the target population. I also predict that all the participants fully understood the types of test and method and how to perform it correctly.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Kant’s Aesthetic Theory and the Problem of Particularity Essay example
Kant’s Aesthetic Theory and the Problem of Particularity ABSTRACT: In moving away from the objective, property-based theories of earlier periods to a subject-based aesthetic, Kant did not intend to give up the idea that judgments of beauty are universalizable. Accordingly, the "Deduction of Judgments of Taste" (KU, Â § 38) aims to show how reflective aesthetic judgments can be "imputed" a priori to all human subjects. The Deduction is not successful: Kant manages only to justify the imputation of the same form of aesthetic experience to everyone; he does not show that this experience will universally occur in response to the same objects. This is what I call Kant’s Problem of Particularity. After critiquing Anthony Savile’s attempt to overcome this Problem by linking Kant’s aesthetics to the theory of rational ideas, I elucidate the concept of (the oft-unnoticed) aesthetic attributes (Â § 49) in a way that allows us to solve the Problem of Particularity. The central elements of Immanuel Kant’s faculty-based aesthetic theory are reasonably familiar: In non-aesthetic cognitions, the faculty of imagination serves to synthesize sense intuitions and reproduce them in a manifold that is then "unified" under concepts by the faculty of understanding. The unification of the sensory manifold is thus a cognitive aim (Absicht) with respect to knowledge.(1) A crucial claim of the third Critique is that in conjunction with reflective experience of certain objects, the imagination presents the sensory manifold already unified, as it were, without the use of a concept. This harmony of the two faculties accomplishes that cognitive aim in a sort of unexpected way, and is the occasion of "a noticeable pleasure."(2) It is on the basis of this ple... ... aesthetic Ideas is built right into the concept. CJ, 186. (35) CJ, 196. (36) CJ, 145-6. Kant discusses the case of a young poet who will not be convinced by others’ disapprobation of his poem. And Kant seems to applaud this stubbornness, since it is incumbent on the individual to arrive at his own, autonomous judgment of taste. This implies that there may often be disagreement over such judgments; on our scheme, this would be explained by the fact that if the work is indeed beautiful, then those who think otherwise have allowed other interests or prejudices to impede the production of an Idea in them. It is another question, one I shall not address here, whether this neglect is somehow culpable. See the important footnote to the Deduction, CJ, 155. (37) CJ, 189, my emphasis. (38) CJ, 183. (39) CJ, 166-167. (40) Savile, 174. (41) CJ, 156.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Maxwell the Hero in Freak The Mighty Essay example -- Rodman Philbrick
In today's society there are lots of people that believe that dumb people can not accomplish anything in there whole life. From the book Freak the Mighty this point is proven wrong. Max and Kevin, are the two most important characters in Freak the Mighty, they can both be described as dynamic characters. Each of them goes through major changes that are revealed through their actions, and by what the author says about them. Maxwell embodies the archetype of the hero's journey. I will discuss this issue using the fact that he has a birth, a calling/journey, and a return. Maxwell has a birth from the archetype of the hero?s journey. Maxwell was born in Chivalry, Montana where his parents lived. At the age of four he saw his dad murder his mom and run away. From that day on, Maxwell lived with his grandparents. His grandparents always hated him and he was never loved since they saw him as the murderer?s son. So, Maxwell grew up alone and he lived in the basement of his grandparent?s home. His dad?s name was Killer Kane and he was told by everyone that both of his parents were dead. Although Maxwell lived with his grandparents he had no knowledge at all, he was very dumb, had no knowledge about anything, and he was really huge. Since everyone heard about his father Killer Kane, when Maxwell went to his school everyone thought he was mean just like his father but in reality he wouldn?t hurt a fly. Maxwell was also frequently sent to the principles office for not listening to the teacher when she was talking and for never paying attention. Maxwell has a calling/journey from the archetype of the hero?s journey. His calling was when he saw Freak all ways doing his work and never paying attention to anyone else accep... saving his own and Iggy Lee?s life, Killer Kane was arrested. Maxwell has a return from the archetype of the hero?s journey. Maxwell returns by saving Iggy Lee?s life and his own. Maxwell gets all his love from his grandparents, because now they believe that he is not like his dad (Killer Kane). When Maxwell returns, his best friend was about to die, because his organs were getting to big for his body, but while he was dieing he gives Maxwell a empty book saying, ?Max please write all the adventures and everything we have done together, this will make me feel better?. So, Maxwell is a hero by doing many things for many people. He saved a person that got him kidnapped (Iggy Lee), he saved his best friend from many strangers (Kevin), and he achieved something in his life. So, from all the things he has done, I believe that Maxwell is a true hero.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Bacteria: Good or Bad?
In the world, some people see bacteria as something that is harmful and that causes nothing but illness and infections. Bacteria can actually be helpful as well. It can provide vitamins to your body, help digestion, destroy bad organisms, help make medicines and also help out with the environment. In this research paper, it will describe two bacteria that are helpful and sometimes harmful to humans and the environment, which are E. coli and Lactobacillus Acidophilus. E. coli E. coli is the bacteria that live in the intestines of humans and animals. It and other bacteria help develop the body and keep your intestines healthy. It also provides vitamins to the body. But, E. coli can also cause food poisoning and infection of other parts of the body. It can cause kidney failure, anemia and urinary tract infections. It can get into food and water and cause us to become ill. It can also be passed from contact with another person if they haven’t washed their hands. E. coli may keep people healthy, but it only works that way if they know how to maintain good health and stay clean. Lactobacillus Acidophilus Lactobacillus Acidophilus is the bacteria found in dairy products, intestinal tract and the mouth. It helps digestion and protects the intestines from the harmful bacteria. It breaks down the bad bacteria and destroys them from becoming a hazard to the environment. Acidophilus also stops diarrhea and constipation and also protects women from yeast infection. In conclusion, there are many bacteria that can be both harmful and helpful, other than the two bacteria that was previously discussed. Bacteria can cause sickness, but it can also cure it. It can help you to become healthy, but it can also make the body and environment deteriorate. Bacteria are needed to survive and people can’t live without it.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Cultural Considerations Essay
The Mexican culture has been characterized by their values, importance of family heritage, folk healing, religion and spirituality. There is also the relation of demographic features associated with the Mexican such as: low income, lack of education, and ethnic segregation. These characteristics have been known to cause cultural differences that can become barriers that can affect the communication between the patient and the healthcare provider. Mexicans are less likely to use the available health resources, because of their strong cultural differences with American Medicine. They also pose a higher rate of poverty related health issues such as diabetes and obesity (Latino culture and health). When they do use the healthcare system, they fear of experiencing discrimination. Their language and cultural become factors in the treatment they are given. Within the Mexican culture family support is important. They provide each other with a support system consisting of extended family, fol k healers, and religious institutions (Latino culture and health). When they choose to use the American medical services, it is influenced by their cultural and spiritual value and by folk theories of disease, remedies, and curers passed down from their ancestors (Latino culture and health). The specific issues between the Mexicans and the American healthcare include language and immigration (Estrada et al., 2010). Most instructions and messages are communicated by mouth, and many Hispanics feel embarrassed because they could not speak or understand English. The relationship between the physician and the Hispanic patient is problematic because of social differentials by inequality on institutional levels, cognitive, and linguistic Mexican cultural practices can and do influence healthcare use however the relationship is complicated. Curanderismo, folk-healing practices continues to be an important aspect of Mexican American culture because of distrust in medicines that are not natural. (Estrada et al., 2010).This may lead to treatment which may worsen their condition. The Mexican culture has been characteristically known to have cultural differences that can develop barriers which affect the communication process with health care providers; therefore health care professional need to have a complete understanding of the principles of cross-cultural communication within the community that they serve.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Managerial Ethics
â€Å"Ethics is the code of moral values and principles that governs the behaviors of a person with respect to what is right or wrong (Burke)†. Ethics sets standards on what is good or bad in a person's behavior or decisions making. In addition it deals with internal values that are a part of the company's culture and their employees. An ethical issue is found in a case that the actions of a person or an organization may harm others. â€Å"Managerial ethics help to guide decision making and the organization of internal and external behavior. Ethical problems usually arise from a conflict between an individual or group and the company, division or department as a whole. Companies have created a set of values and standards that are recognized by managers and consistently referenced during the work day have created an ethical platform that can operate managers and make decisions. Training managers on the specifics of managerial ethics by role play, case study and group discussion has paved the way for ethical behaveor. †(Burke) Managers in most organizations seek to encourage ethical practices to gain whatever commercial advantage there may be in having potential consumers and employees regard the company as ethical, also to ensure ethical behavior in the company. Distributing, creating, and continually improving a company's code of ethics is a one-step manager can take to create an ethical workplace. Another step managers can take is to provide the work force with appropriate training. Many companies implement training programs designed at encouraging ethical practices within their organizations. (Marion, 2001) Managerial ethics are a set of standards that dictate the behavior of active manager within the workplace. It helps to guide decision making and organize the future path of the organization. People need to increase their awareness about ethics. Therefore, this paper will illustrate the history and the importance of ethics in the workplace environment. It will also provide good example of ethical and unethical behaviors in the place of work. History of ethics: The history of ‘’business ethics ‘’ has a lot of definition and it depends on how people define it. The history of ethics was known in 1970s and it was known in japan and Europe in 1980s. Business ethics is different in each country, for example the business ethics in China is way different from the business ethics in the United Kingdom. The history of business ethics will have three standards because it used in at least three different stands. First stand of the history is ‘‘the term ‘’ business ethics ‘’ came into common use in the 1970 in United State. ’’ (George, 1998). It was found in the academy, business meetings, and academic writing, research and teaching. Second stand of the history is when business ethics becomes more general usage in media and public discourse, and then they had to call it ‘’ethics in business. ’’ And it is the most widespread stand in general public, news reporters and many business companies use this term. Another stand of the history is when the history is broader; it goes back to the principal of business and taken in a broad sense, for example; commercial exchanges and later meaning economic system. Movement within business or movement to building ethics into structure in a form of ethics code, ethics training is the third stand of the history of ethics. Moreover, the meaning of business ethics is different from each country. According to Richard T. De George ‘’ Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become something that corporations can no longer ignore and still maintain a positive public image. ’’. It plays in most of European countries, where the government has a huge role than United States, for example, a lot of labor force that were managed in United states were legislated in United Kingdom. Also, Agreeing to Richard T. De George,†CSR is a somewhat nebulous concept and it is often adopted by companies in response to external criticism, without any overarching framework or set of values‘’. Ethics of CSR is recognized in all cases by ethical norms not by the demand of interest groups. The globalization of business ethics has been in the worldwide of all the three stand of business ethics. The globalization of business ethics is still in tis incapability. They have a little attention of global issue; lobal warming is an example of attention they have. TOYOTA ethics in Japan’s 1)Leave employee exhausted. 2)They think the more working hour daily will give more productivity and quality to the product. 3)Work late at night without break time. 4)No meals available in the company. Toyota in japan have a strict rules of ethics that employee must do it if they joins the Company. However, Toyota ethics in other countries is different from japan due to the change in culture, environment and what people believe in. Religion perspective on business ethics The reason why religion is the most important factor in a person’s perspective of business ethics is because there are several different views of religious. For example: Muslims use the Holy Quran and the teaching of Prophet Mohammed to inform people their views on business ethics, while Christianity uses the Ten Commandments and the teaching of Christ to explain their ethics in business. The Jewish uses the Torah. In Islam, responsibility, freedom and honesty are the three main concepts of ethics. In addition of these three main concepts, a Muslim person should also have to be fair and productive. They believe that a selfish habit has no room in Muslim’s ethics. Moreover, they also believe that an absolute freedom should not have a place in their ethics because the economy will damage slowly if it has absolute freedom. According to religious views on business ethics website, ‘’ Jewish faith believes that a person should show reasonable concern for others. In these aspects Judaism is like Christian faith, however, there is a major difference in their beliefs. ’ Jewish thought that wanting wealth is a fault and this fault turn people away from God. Furthermore, they also believe that a person should only have what is necessary to him/her to live a happy life. Judaism has rules that they follow as business ethics. Employers and employees are in different levels, so they will have different rules to follow. According to Religious views on business ethics website, ‘’ One rule that Jews believe, is that an employer should not demand more from a worker than they are capable of doing. ’ The basis for these different religions for theirs business ethics is: wealth and to know the perfect ways to deal with that wealth while staying in the limitation of their laws and rules. The main different in these religions is the way in which to deal with a situation that arise in everyday life and that because every religion has its own policy. The importance of ethics: Obviously, unethical and abnormal performance difficulties are of huge worry to businesses, which need to precede stages to resolve them. Unethical performance leads to unethical workplace environment that’s full of animosity, dishonest competition and inconvenient atmosphere and that’s why ethics are central quantity of each business organization. The ethical culture should be encouragement, solid and optimistic. â€Å"The vanity of the sciences, physical science will not console me for the ignorance of morality in the time of affliction. But the science of ethics will always console me for the ignorance of the physical sciences†(Pascal, 1998). There is a rising acknowledgment that noble ethics can have an optimistic financial influence on the performance of organizations. Lots of statistics provision the basis that ethics, integrity, responsibility and values are essential in the modern place of work. For customer crowds and the general public at outsized, studies has shown that noble ethics is good business. Ethics are essential aspect in the business environment. It goes beyond setting rules and applying them in the workplace to increase the organization’s profit, spread their reputation and competitive advantage to consumers and suppliers. Ethics advance the productivity and efficiency of the labor, honesty, and dependability, positive Work Habits, initiative, humility, positive Attitude, Teamwork, protect human rights of employees and provide a restful atmosphere at work. The importance of ethics in the workplace environment lays down numerous benefits in many different approaches. It can benefit the internal culture and atmosphere to the external firm’s reputation and stature. Several college courses are currently comprehensively applying the training of ethics and for worthy purpose. Young minds will proceeds this info into the workplace and recognize that ethics must be practical there as well as in the private division. A great level of ethics in the business has to be in place as a minimum for the consumers. If anything, it is the consumer that would be reflected the furthermost when it arises to ethical business performs. Customers will rather purchase their needs from a good reputation company that teach and apply good ethics to their employees. Ethics are believed by a lot of individuals as something that is associated to the private sideways of lifetime and not to the business sideways. In countless businesses, consuming ethics is assumed as an undesirable topic. This is since business is frequently about choosing what is the finest for number one, not about what's truly the correct thing to do. Ethics are theoretical to advance our lives and appeal honest spirits. Maybe the purpose ethics is such an uncomfortable topic is for the reason that they are repeatedly unwell applied, if applied at all. Ethics aren't checkered at the gate when arriving the place of work. Ethics obligate each little as much a place in the community as they do the private. What is unethical behavior? We can describe unethical behavior as any act that is not accepted by the principles of behavior recognized by the association. Unethical behavior can take place at any situation with an employee; either it can occur while dealing with another employee, in day to day running of the business or when he is dealing with the company’s resources and finance. Unethical behaviors show damaging in workplace . There are a lot of unethical behaviors in workplace. One of the important causes of unethical behavior is greed. For example, the worker who’s in contact with a client may be willing to give him/her a discount in exchange for a kickback. The essential reason that can lead to unethical behaviors in the workplace is ignoring the firm's policies . The most common unethical behavior is deception in the workplace. Such as, switch prices of products so that items are marked as cheaper than they should be. Also, failure to commit with clients, such as delays in the due date and failure to respond to customers’ calls or emails . You must know how to deal with difficult clients. (Wallace, 2012) Also one of the common unethical behaviors by an employee in a company can be seen in a situation where he uses the company’s computer for his personal use. Unethical behavior is carried out when he uses the computer for either shopping online, checking his personal emails not related to company’s official work, playing games †¦etc. These tasks may lead to delay in the responsibilities that he was assigned to do for the company. In addition â€Å"fraud is a form of unethical practice, which involves falsification of facts or data to obtain unjust rewards Fraud is a crime which attracts harsh sentences to offenders. It also causes huge losses to business organizations. †(Thomson, 2004) Moreover, bribery is considered number one of the most unethical behaviors in the companies. Bribery means offering or accepting anything of value in exchange for changing or influencing the behavior of the recipient of the bribe. Anything of value can use as a bribe, but the money is a classic bribe. It also can be more intangible, and they might be like offers of real estates, valuable objects or a promise to do a specified service in the future. In order to consider it as a bribe, the object of value should be offered with the clear understanding that the person who accepts the bribe will be doing something in return. This distinguishes bribes from gifts given in real good faith, and also discriminate bribery of tipping, a practice in offering gifts in return for good service. For example, a driver being ticketed for speeding or parking in the wrong place might offer a bribe to the police officer to ask him to rip up the ticket. In many areas of the world bribery is considered as a crime, and it can be hardly punished. While in other areas bribery is more socially acceptable, and that can put a heavy burden on those in the lower levels of society, as they cannot afford to bribe officials in the pattern to which they are accustomed. The cultural differences on bribery can lead sometimes to confusions. In some cultures, for example, offering a tip may be considered a bribe, while in others, if you did not give a tip it considered as an offensive. Depending on regional laws, bribery can be punished with fines, imprisonment for a specified period, or compensation. Particularly in countries that are based on high ideals of equality, bribery is usually seen as especially offensive, because it erases the illusion that all the members of society are equal when someone can basically buy favors or someone else's skills with the right bribe. Ethical behavior: Ethical behaviors are essential for employees to deal with clients in a professional way . Employees face ethical and unethical behaviors from clients every day in the workplace. If you want your company or shop gain profit you must train the staff to act ethically in accordance with the company. Working with clients requires specific ethics. For example, ability to offer successful communication to makes them repeat clients. As employee in company you must protect the rights of the client when delivering the service. Such as, rights of privacy. Moreover, the worker should have confidentiality relating to the release of information about clients. Be a good employee for instance, tell the truth always to your clients. Must respect all people and not to differentiate between them, give the clients your best advice and listen to the client because he/she wants to know that you care about his/her problem. Apologize and correct the problem if you had mistaken. Also, show the positive relationship between the employee and the clients. (Knight, 2009) Other example of ethical integrity in the workplace is confidentiality. It is a major illustration of veracity in any place of work. It is also considered as a legal obligation for any employee at any level of organization. All the employers in an organization has got certain information that is to be kept as secret and exposure of these to anybody can lead to fines, penalties and lawful punishments. Confidentiality helps in building trust and motivates genuine deliberation of secrecy of others. The most basic business ethics are honesty, integrity and fairness. Honesty is related to ethical advertising and a reasonable cost for the quality of the products or services. The businesses make profits through ethical business strategies instead of trying to benefit from others through dishonest pricing. Moreover, integrity includes a very wide range of ethics, but it covers issues like social and environmental responsibility. Integrity in business is to be fair and considerate to others but at the same time make profit. Finally, fairness is a very basic concept of ethics, where the company has to treat all the people in commercial dealings either employees or buyers fairly. Fairness in commercial dealings means to be objective and to have an interest in creating a win-win situation for both parties, whether between an employer and employee or a company and a client. Conclusion: To sum up, ethical is essential and very important aspect in the workplace environment. Ethics sets standards on what is right and wrong in an individual's performance and decisions making. There is a rising acknowledgment that noble ethics can have an optimistic financial influence on the performance of organizations. Unethical behaviors provide lack of enthusiasm and negativity in the workplace. Therefore, ethical behaviors are central part to the workplace environment and to employees to work with clients in a professional way.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Internetworking Technology Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Internetworking Technology Paper - Essay Example In order to connect the workstations of these employees, switches are terminated on each department. However, there is a possibility that more than one switch is required to cover up all the nodes. As mentioned earlier, star topology is implemented for centralized administration and configuration of the network, the diagram demonstrates Microsoft Active directory that connected with a domain controller. Active directory is an advanced directory service that is a built in feature for Windows server that is utilized for access management for network resources. Moreover, it is a domain based network similar to the Domain Naming System (DNS) (Active directory.2011). Protocols that are used include LDAP and Kerberos for security purposes. The selection of switches is essential, and compatible routers must be considered, as cisco supports active directory in its IOS router (Active directory.2011). Each switch supports gigabit full duplex Ethernet capability that will operate on a CAT 5 100 0 base-t cables. The company does not want interruption in the local area network and it must be available for all times. For this reason, all the switches are powered by PoE (Power over Ethernet) that is a distributed power mechanism on a CAT 5 Ethernet cable (Poe.2011). Likewise, PoE enables a secondary channel for power distribution and continues to provide power to networked devices even if the primary power link goes down. As shown in the Fig 1.1, the blue link shows PoE connectivity between networked devices for ensuring network continuity. Moreover, there are two routers aggregating data channels and configured to backup each other. In case of a primary router failure due to malfunctioning hardware or configuration, secondary router will make itself available up to the task. Furthermore, to ensure redundancy in software infrastructure, primary and secondary domain controllers are installed for load balancing and backup procedures. In addition, for security purposes, Virtual L AN can be configured for distributing data channels associated with highly sensitive data. For addressing security, Fig 1.1, demonstrates a firewall that is installed after the router and in between the Internet to ensure the filtration of inbound and outbound network. References Active directory.(2011). Computer Desktop Encyclopedia, , 1. Poe.(2011). Computer
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